Help About Grade Item need to Update, Not create new from Zoom/LTI for Attendance
Hello, I'm having trouble with Zoom sync with grades, right now my trouble is, that LTI/Zoom always creates new grade items. I Need to attach it to an existing grade item(I'm trying to use the same name but still doesn't work) , if there any setup that i missed Please help with this Here's an attachments Thank you
Sync Attendance Gradesbook with Zoom
Hello, I'm having trouble with Zoom sync with grades, right now my trouble is, that LTI/Zoom always creates new grade items. I Need to attach it to an existing grade item(I'm trying to use the same name but still doesn't work) , if there any setup that i missed Please help with this Here's an attachments Thank you
Rubrics and Quizzes
I have rubrics attached to the Completion Summary pages on my Quizzes. These were attached to individual questions in Blackboard. They are now outdated and are leading to confusion among students. Has anyone encountered this when transporting quizzes from Blackboard to Brightspace? Does anyone have any suggestions on how…
"Specifications Grading" in D2L
Hi, I like using "Specifications Grading" to evaluate my students. Unfortunately, I don't know how to run it in D2L and end up creating grade books and submission dropboxes outside of D2L using Google Forms. This is time consuming. I met another colleague at my institution that had someone successfullly create a formula…
I'm working with ePortfolio and cannot add any rubrics to it.
Hello, I'm working with ePortfolio and cannot add any rubrics to it while I got lots of rubrics in my course. It's says: No items found. I cannot locate any other option except clicking the Edit link in the file to add Rubrics to ePortfolio. Thanks.
Alignment of Learning Objectives to individual questions
Hello, I am trying to align learning objectives to individual questions, rather than to an entire quiz. I would like to align say one or two, possibly three, objectives to a question, rather than seven objectives to an entire quiz. In that way, a more accurate representation of the students' knowledge is assessed. I would…
Change format of downloaded assignments
How do I change the way assignments are grouped when I download them? Each student gets a directory, which is great, but the name of the directory contains the student name, the date, and two numbers, one of which is the same for all students, and the other (the beginning of the directory name) is a number I don't…
Merged: Free Webinar! How TCU and SIDES Address Accessibility using Brightspace and ReadSpeaker
This discussion has been merged.
I cannot export my course outline (import it to brightspace0!
I tried with a word file and then with a Pdf file!
Active Courses
Is there an easy way to filter a course search by active courses only? Trying to determine the active vs inactive course status numbers for an entire semester.
Attendance linked to calendar?
Hello. When creating an attendance register for daily class attendance, do I have to manually type in every class date as a separate session? I feel like there should be a calendar feature in which you could pull up a calendar and just click on all the days you need at one time, or something like that, but I can't find it.…
Pat Dillard Tn College of Applied Technology
Good evening , Im try to deleat some test and catagories under under managing grades. I select the test I want to deleat it wont let me It says even after I select you have to select something I have. Is there something I m missing....thanks Pat
Grade Totals
I've spent HOURS trying to figure this out and I'm frustrated. I set up one class from scratch and had the totals work just fine. The test grades are a max "100" and the Weighted Total is a max "100" score. The second class, is being transferred to this system in the middle of an active class - from Blackboard. Each test…
Not Grade Formula Example
Does anyone have an example of using the NOT function in a formula grade item? I continue to get errors no matter how many parameters I add/remove.
Need API for Date in Grades
Hello Everyone, I want to ask about API/something that we can use for Dates for Attendance. Heres my situation, I'm using Attendance tools in Grades(See Attachment 1) because we integrate to the third party for grades extraction. The third party need data for Attendance Dates(Session Date/time starts). I Cannot find any…
Dear D2L Support I facing a problem with extracting the rustle from the Quizzes and delivered to student in grad book when I published the result it is appear like the attached file. So in need solution to show the result with marks.
MSCP-compliant zip
What is a MSCP-compliant zip
JSON Widget Configuration Not Working (Visual TOC)
Hello - I have entered in custom widget configuration for the Visual TOC widget but the changes are not showing. I have no idea what to do to resolve this, please advise? The attached screenshot shows I'm trying to change the header colour to #009990 but the header colour remains the default blue.
May I import a Canvas test bank to D2L?
What is the differences between the following: Export as Brightspace Package Export as Common Cartridge Export as Thin Common Cartridge