Sequencing practice bug?!

Hi there,

I'm working on a team preparing tutorials for Creator+ tools as we roll them out to faculty next month. We're very excited about the tools and their potential for enhancing content and easy-to-create interactive experiences! That said . . .

When going back to edit a previously-created sequencing practice, when editing the HTML page, I click on the practice placeholder to edit the sequencing practice, and in the next window, I get a blank space where the editor should be--the preview pane on the right still has the exercise loaded, but nothing else.

Probably not unrelated, when I create a new sequencing practice, I am unable to add an image (I can click and choose an image from my computer, but get an hourglass (or whatever you call that spinning circle) before I can add alt-text.

I can create/save/edit a new sequencing practice if I don't put any images into the practice!

The problem seems to persist with different browsers and different users. Other Creator+ tools--including those with images--seem to be working fine.



  • Hi Chris,

    We are glad to hear you are excited to use Creator+ tools. There was a known defect, 01971566, that prevented users from uploading images in practices. This has been hotfixed for March release onwards, and should be rolled out to your instance in the near future.

    As for the editor not loading in your sequencing practice, I cannot say for certain if it is related to the image uploader defect. I recommend sending a support ticket for investigation. Apologies for the inconvenience with this behavior and thank you for bringing this up, we do appreciate the feedback.