Character Limits for "Criteria" and "Description" when creating a new award?
Does anyone know what the character limit is for the Criteria and Description fields when creating a new award? We are trying to set up micro-credentials using the awards system in D2L, but I am having trouble finding what the character limit is for those important fields in the set-up of that award system. Thanks in…
Record a Discussion post assignment in PHE 500 8-1 Discussion:
Record a Discussion post assignment in PHE 500 8-1 Discussion: Public Health Messaging and Communication. Kindly, Jae
Sharing Analytics Builder Dashboards
My institution is implementing the Insights Portal. I have been tasked with learning the ins and outs of the Analytics Builder to build custom dashboards for my institution. I've had some success creating visuals that are going to be helpful to stakeholders for short-term and long-term tracking purposes. I keep hitting a…
Gradebook interface --sliding nav bar?
Hello, There's a professor who is experiencing a weird phenomenon of the Navbar sliding away as he gets from one side of the gradebook to the other (as shown in the attached video). Anyone know why this is happening? Thanks!
Question Flag
Does Brightspace have a feature of flagging questions on assessments so that students can identify a troubling question and can make sure to return to that question before they submit an attempt?
Even clicking on the highlighted number leaves a message "un-read"?
It seems crazy that even after I read messages in the Discussion board they remain marked as UNREAD unless I click on each one individually and open it. It takes like three clicks to get rid of a notification for a message I've already read. Am I doing something wrong? Or is the Discussion board work-flow designed for…
adjusting the # of attempts for a Quiz
I have a quiz that originally has 1 attempt, and I see that students are not doing well and I'd like to add an attempt. If I go to edit the quiz and simply add an attempt, will that work for all students, even those who have already taken the quiz once? Thanks!
How can my TA edit the grades
I added my TA as instructor because I could not find a role like "teaching assistant" , however, my TA still could not see the Grades from their end.
End dates and visibility
Hi all, Some of our faculty continue to use Classic Content while others have switched to NCE, and we're finding that end dates function differently in each one. In Classic Content, a Unit with an end date appears after the end date and the content still shows up, whereas in NCE the Unit is gone after the end date. Can…
Weighted Item's showing up different ways for students
One of our Instructors noticed that their students grades are showing different weighted totals. Is this an issue we should be worried about and look into more? How could we make sure all students are graded equally? (NOTE: Two different assignments with different scores between students)
Can replacement strings be used for nicknames?
Many students do not go by their given first names, and in some cases really don't like being called by their first names. Can a replacement string be used to pick up the nickname field in the profile?
gradebook set up
I can't seem to set up my grade book properly. I don't know how to change percentages in some categories as they are grayed out. Is there a basic video about the grade book? Something other than the setup wizard. Thanks
SCORM MC question grades not consistently being recorded in gradebook
I am using SCORM questions embedded in my lectures for the first time. Grades are being recorded inconsistently - some students have no problems with any of the lectures, whereas others are receiving grades for some but not all lectures. I imagine this has to mean that students are doing/not doing something that is causing…
Hello, I have a professor who is having an issue in which a specific course's homepage somehow became his default homepage whenever he logs into Brightspace or clicks the My Home icon. Our administrator checked and ensured that the University course homepage is set as default. Can anyone tell me how to address this issue?…
NCE questions
Hello, I have some questions regarding the instructor experience in NCE. Is there a way to place created content within a unit directly at the top of the list of items? After an item is created in a unit containing multiple items, it appears at the bottom of that unit and needs to be dragged and dropped. Classic Content…
Brightspace Parent/Guardian in Higher Ed?
Has anyone implemented the Parent and Guardian app in Brightspace? We are looking into it for student services staff to observe student athletes. Best, Amanda
My Classlist prints out of alphabetical order. How can I change it?
My classlist is in alpha order in Brigthspace, but when I print, it puts my name (as the instructor) at the top and lists students in order of being added to the course. How can I change this? Thanks, Mike
import zip file/set default Content settings font & size
Hi! does visiting the Content Settings cog and setting a font and size under Default Font Settings mean that that will apply to content pages imported from a zip file please? does enable html templates need to be ticked too please? thanks!
How Can I Add Reminders or Set Notifications for Calendar Events
Hello, I’m trying to figure out how to add reminders or set notifications for specific events that I’ve created in the calendar within D2L Brightspace. Could someone guide me on how to set up these reminders or notifications so that students receive alerts about upcoming deadlines or important dates? Thank you.
Help Copy Course Bulk
Hello can any one please explain more about how to use Course Copy Bulk. already read the document but have no clue what to do, already setup configuration but still dont know how to use, please help Thankyou