Insights: How to find how many Instructors and how many students are using Brightspace

Devabrata.M.142 Posts: 4 🌱
edited January 10 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary

How do i find out how many Instructors and Learners have used the system during a period. I do get the number of access; but it doesn't translate for me the unique faculty access. I want to tell administration that for example: out of 500 faculty that were synced in for this semester; 230 were actively using the system; or out of 10,000 students for Fall 2024-- 6,000 students were using the system.

This I think should be a bare minimum request that any institution will like to find out as a part of adoption, in the first few years of rolling a new LMS. Without this how will you gauge if your investment into a new LMS has people's buy into it OR what steps to take to have bigger engagement.

Will like to know how your institution is dealing with this data dashboard from Insights Tool.



  • Omar.G.602
    Omar.G.602 Posts: 11

    To know the Role of the Users listed in the System Access Data Set, you would need to link/use the
    Users' Data Set to get the Role ID is then accessed, and the Role Details Data Set to know which Role it is.

    The data in the Insights Portal's Adoption Dashboard does have the "Role" filter, which would help get the data
    for the Role you want.