What resources are available to inform instructors about the Pulse app?
Teams Integration bugs
Hi, In our Brightspace Teams Integration widget, if the user ticks the box for "make a team for all sections" it will make two identical teams with identical enrollment even if there is only one section of the class. Then if the user deletes one of those teams, it deletes both of them. Then the user can't make a new Team,…
course set-up
I need help to verify if my course is set-up correctly is there someone I can talk to that can give me some support
student access to course
activate student access to course
Attendance in Gradebooks
Is there a way to include attendance grades into a gradebook and to also be included in the final grading?
How do I make a new D2L account for university?
I need to make a new D2L account for my new school, I signed up for an account on Brightspace with my university email, but it will not let me sign in on D2L. Am I doing something wrong?
How do you start a discussion thread? When I click on it in the course nothing opens up?
How do you start a discussion thread? When I click on the discussion area in the course nothing opens up?
WooCommerce to D2L
Is there a way I can auto enrol my students to a Group in one of my courses? I have attached a copy of my setup in WooCommerce. Just trying to figure out how to auto enrol people to both Course and Groups every time they buy an exam. Feel free to suggest.
How can automated IPSIS upload retrieve errors?
when an automated process uploads a batch zip file to IPSIS, how can our automated process retrieve any errors? Is there an API to use instead of receiving email?
Item not showing in My Bookmarks
As you can see below, I have bookmarked this post but it does not show up when I click on "My Bookmarks":
Nav Bar
Hi I created an icon based nav bar in a course shell and I'm wondering if there's an easy way to move it to the global list of nav bars so that it can be added to any course at my institution? Thanks!
How do you delete an attachment that you posted on a discussion forum?
It is a PowerPoint discussion
How do you use brightspace to determine LDA
How do you use brightspace to determine LDA, last date of attendance, for students who drop a class?
View all learning outcome associated content
Is there a way to have an overview of all the associated content of learning outcomes? In the Mastery view, we can see the number of content that is associated to each learning outcome but how can an instructor see what is associated to each learning outcome?
Browser Not Supported Error
I am receiving an error that Apple Safari version 10 is no longer supported BUT I am accessing Brightspace from a fully updated Google Chrome. I have deleted and redownloaded chrome and ensured my safari is updated. I really would not like to need to install another browser just to do basic quizzes and watch videos.
Enrollment at a School or Department level
we have deans who we are wanting to give an observer role but we want to only enroll them in a specific school at the university. How do you enroll them at the college or school level? Is that even possible what is an easy work around without manually adding them to each course. See image below: thanks!!
How do I navigate to my classmates Getting to Know You page?
This concerns undergraduate course Online BIBL 2302 student introductory posts
Are there other 50+ students returning to school?
Hi! I am Vickie Gottlieb. I am going back to school after being a stay-at-home mom for 20+ years. Looking forward to it!
How to apply a navbar to a specific org unit and it's descendants
Is there a way to apply a navbar to only a set of courses (essentially one org unit and all it's descendants)? I can share the navbar with the org unit but cannot figure out how to apply it only to that org unit. In testing, if I change the default to my new navbar, it changes all the courses using our default navbar and…
How can I change my forwarding email options?
I went into my account settings as I would like to change my email, but it is grayed out and doesn't allow me to edit it.