Assignment Type

Bryan.Onstad3130 Posts: 2 🌱
edited June 2023 in Development

I created an assignment with text submission type, but can't change to "submit file" without affecting students who have already submitted and been graded. This is very problematic for me in a continuous online course. I'm scared to delete the assignment, but can't change "assignment type" to what it should have been. My new thought is to make a second assignment where they can upload files and just hide the original text based assignment type. It would really be great to have both options (text and upload files) in the same assignment.


  • Heba.A.271
    Heba.A.271 Posts: 85

    Hi Bryan,

    Thank you for reaching Brightspace Community.

    Indeed this is a need by several clients, there is a PIE (D4773) item that you can upvote for on having both submission types file and a text submission type file accepted, and the good news is that it is in the development stage which means that it would be in the near term road map.

    Hope this help!


  • Bryan.Onstad3130
    Bryan.Onstad3130 Posts: 2 🌱

    that sounds great 👍

  • Agree this would be useful! I never understood why it's an option with a quiz question but not an assignment question.

  • Brent.S.816
    Brent.S.816 Posts: 1 🌱

    Allowing students to either submit a file OR a link to Gdocs (or similar) makes a lot of sense. The solution of having them make a file with a link in it is not very polished.

  • James.C.781
    James.C.781 Posts: 6 🔍
    I agree this would be a very useful option to have. My students often upload their files but also comment on them in the text submission area.
  • James.C.781
    James.C.781 Posts: 6 🔍
    I agree this is a necessary option. I often have students upload files but also comment on the files in a text submission.
  • James.C.781
    James.C.781 Posts: 6 🔍
    I agree this is a necessary feature!
  • Steve.B.446
    Steve.B.446 Posts: 74

    James.C.781 Technically, a text-only submission gets stored in what would otherwise be the comments field that would be used with a file upload submission (or at least that's where it gets retrieved in the API). I don't know if that helps at all!