Bulk Delete Tool for content removal (not course delete)
We are in need of a bulk delete tool to remove all content and re-use the shell. Does D2L have such tool? If not, is there one coming?
Grades changes; how to tell if there are new grades added or modified?
When grades are added or adjusted in D2L, is there any way to extract this information so that I can feed it back to my Student Information System? Any APIs in particular that would help? Thank you.
Merging Accounts
Hi, From what I have read so far there seems to be no way of merging accounts in Brightspace (let me know if I am wrong). This is just a basic feature in most LMSes. There needs to be a way to merge accounts and transfer learning history between accounts.
Update paging options in quizzes to 1 question per page
Hello, I am trying to change this value programmatically in all my courses for all the quizzes always to show 1 question per page. I am checking the documentation here https://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/quiz.html for quizzes, but I don't see anything related to it. Is there a way I can do this? I can't even see…
Homepage setup
looking for some information on how to get started with D2L integrations
I'm aware that I need someone internal to my organization to approve the application and give me the Key pairs, however I'm just curious on a few things like what the main difference is between the ID-Key authentication versus the 0Auth 2.0. I'm looking to build a discord bot to automatically post the due dates for the…
What is the cause of an empty resource_link_id
Hi all, We're configuring a new server integration and when I try to embed our content I'm noticing the resource_link_id field is empty. Would anybody have an idea of what would cause this. Apologies, my knowledge of D2L isn't great, so please ask if there are more details I should provide :smile: Thanks
Integrations with Unity or Unreal?
Hi, I am wondering if there are known/possible integrations for Brightspace with VR or AR apps? Thanks!
Guide, tutorial or first steps to use the Brightspace API?
Greetings to all I am part of a university that has started to use Brightspace, something that interests us is data analytics with Power Bi using the Brightspace API, but we have no idea where to start. Do you know any guide, first steps or tutorial to start creating the Brightspace API connection with Power Bi? We…
Sample payload for Put Grade
Hello, I am doing a to /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/(gradeObjectId)/values/(userId) and I get this result { "PointsNumerator": 2.000000000, "PointsDenominator": 100.000000000, "WeightedNumerator": null, "WeightedDenominator": null, "GradeObjectIdentifier": "468", "GradeObjectName": "Yoga Exam",…
Groups tool auto allocation
I have setup groups of maximum X users (4) and assigned an auto enrollment after a certian date). I ended up having more students than available groups, and MyLO decided to insert more people into the groups than originially setup (i.e. 5/4 members were allocated). I am asking this question here as a bug/feature request…
Embedding Twitter Likes
Hi everyone, Once upon a time, I created a widget that would share my Twitter likes to the course homepage. I used some code from publish.twitter.com. About a year ago, Twitter discontinued the availability of this feature. Has anyone figured out a workaround? Thanks, Tom
Is there a way to flag a grade item to display in the Calendar via the LTI I.3 lineitem service?
I have someone asking about their grade items from external tools not showing in the Calendar or Assignment list. I was wondering if there is a custom parameter in the lineitem service that will flag a grade item to be displayed on the calendar with the startDateTime and endDateTime? If not, do you have any recommended on…
Put Grades Error
Hello, I am trying to answer this question: Will assigning a passing grade also show the exam as completed in Brightspace? I am trying to put a grade with the api but I keep getting this error "Comments and PrivateComments are mandatory" This is my payload: { "GradeObjectType": 1, "PointsNumerator": 99, "Comments": "Great…
Real time feedback on quizzes
Does anybody know if there's a quiz setting that would give a student feedback each time they answer a question instead of all at the end?
Is there a way I can limit a student from downloading a submitted file into an assignment?
Right now a student can submit an exam or test that was done in a restricted (classroom) environment and they can leave the room and can later download the submitted assignment before I have a chance to hide the folder from users.
Best way to build a quiz: Preserve quiz section text within a question pool?
My quiz is structured around a number of cases: the test-taker must read a paragraph for the necessary context to answer a set of questions (multiple choice). I understand this can be done by creating Sections and inserting the case text in the Section. However, I also need to use the Question Pool function, meaning that…
Error:"Missing \"grant_type\" parameter" when I send a post request to Token Endpoint OAuth2.0
I'm trying to connect my webapp on brightspace page and use OAuth2.0 however my program keeps breaking at the token step. I get this error saying I'm missing grant_type even though I believe it is specified. I tried using Postman to check and got same issue. Here is my python code: token_params = { 'grant_type':…
Retrieve user's enrolled courses after they logged into OAuth2.0 and got access token
I'm still not sure how to use that retrieve what courses the student is enrolled in. The goal is, the student clicks on the webapp, it redirects for OAuth and after that the backend gets an access token. What I want is after this step, is to check what courses the user is in. I was looking through the documentation and I…
Using API to get which courses is the student enrolled in
I have a small webapp that I want students from Brightspace LMS to use for their courses. The app is supposed to display different data based on each course the student is enrolled in. My idea of implementing that was to include the URL for the app in the course page, then when a student clicks it, it redirects them to the…