How do I copy webpages with the same Brightspace course?
Hi Folks, If I have a moudle or weekly structure in my course, say Module 1, Moudle 2… and the same kinds of webpages every week, say Accoordian, then content, then disucssion, etc. Is there a way through course builder or manange files to copy the files from module 1 into moudle 2, and then adjust them as needed for…
Quiz with optional sections
How would I create a Quiz with optional sections... is this possible? any ideas?
Accessing the Product Idea Exchange
Hello! I am having problems accessing the PIE - when I click the quicklink, I get this message: "There was a problem processing your authentication." I have done the single sign on already, not sure if that is part of the problem? Is there a separate login for the PIE?
Instant Notifications - Grade Item updates when associated with assessment
In D2L I have noticed that an Updated Grade instant notification is triggered when a grade item is associated with an assignment or discussion, even if the score itself has not changed. In my test, I had a Quiz, a Discussion, and an Assignment all linked to the grade book with a test student having received a score for all…
Let's Play Bingo! (closed June 15th, 2023)
📝Note: Bingo has closed! Thanks to all of our dedicated members who participated in the fun! Hey Community, come have some fun with us by participating in our Community Bingo game🎲 for your chance to win two passes to Fusion🎫🎫 or other great swag! Learn more about how easy it is to play by jumping into the 'How to Play'…
"My Drafts" and "Unanswered" populated with visited threads.
I'm not sure if anyone else is experiencing this, but every time I read a thread on the new community site, I get a blank "draft" added to "My Drafts" under quicklinks, and usually if it's an unanswered question (not a thread I made) it'll also get added to "unanswered questions" under Quicklinks. Anyone else? Using Chrome…
Thanks D2L!
Thanks for improving the Brightspace Community. Everything we need in one place! I especially appreciate the Product Road Map. Nice job!
track received/read emails
How can I track if my emails (to parents, sent from Brightspace mail) have been received and/or read by the recipient?
Lots of emails
We have recently had reported a number of emails (according to one report over 100 received) have been sent to users/learners on our platform. We are not sure how to investigate how this happened or what triggered this. Any help with how we would go about looking into this would be appreciated Secondly the emails appear to…
New community login
Hello…. Some feedback on the new community SSO. Directions were a little lengthy, and started with the ASC, which I doubt is your largest user base. Password field only allows 16 characters? Why, you want weak passwords? No 2FA! Wow, I thought that every technology company is trying to support at least TOTP, let alone FIDO…
Is it possible to delete Learning Groups?
I cannot figure out how to delete practice Learning Groups - can someone explain how to remove these?
Using intelligent agent to identify users 2 weeks after tutorial, with a non-passing grade
Can I use an IA to identify and email users who have not passed an online assessment within 2 weeks of a face-to-face graded tutorial? The only actionable activities are login activity and course access—neither of which seem to apply. I've set release conditions related to: non-passing assessment grade and tutorial…
What are the correct ways to use the manage dates bulk offset tool calculate range between two dates
Can the manage dates bulk offset tool calculate the range between two dates be used to convert dates from a longer class to a shorter class or vice versa? For example, my institution offers 15-week, 12-week, 7-week, and 3-week classes with the same content. However, when I copied a 15-week course into a new shell, used the…
What new Community Groups would you like to see created?
📝Note: As of July 6th, 2023, this poll is closed. What We Learned: 66% of you told us that you hope for more groups that provide educational assessment and evaluation opportunities 33% of you shared that you'd like to see more groups that are social/emotional learning focused We hear you!🤟 Based on your feedback, here are…
I need to create a paper quiz - Brightspace won't let me select all
My college was hit with a computer virus last week. Its looking like I'll need to have a paper quiz ready for my students on Wednesday May 3rd. I've Googled this subject and none of the YouTube Gurus and/or various university gurus procedures work. They all appear to have worked in 2018. They all eventually say: "Click…
Can we get rid of the 4-digit number after our name?
Hey! I'm not a fan of this Discord-like format. Is there a way where our displayed names could be without the numbers? Stay Awesome!
Change the background of a D2L credential information page
Greetings, My name is Ervin Howard, Instructional Designer of the University of North Georgia (Oconee campus). I need some advice and assistance about the D2L credential information page that is generated after a recipient earns a digital badge. I attached a copy of an image of D2L information page that shows the…
What types of Quiz related resources do you want to see more of?
We've noticed a lot of Quiz related questions coming into Community lately. Let us know what type of resources you prefer. We'll get busy creating to support your implementation of the Quiz tool in Brightspace.
Requesting Community Groups for specific content areas
Dividing the Community by "Industry" categories does not reflect a useful reality for me. I work with modern language and ESL instructors and I want to be able to interact with others who do too. But both here and on the previous Community site it was (and is) incredibly difficult to find each other. Case in point: I work…
Moved: Create Groups from CSV file
This discussion has been moved.