I registered for new single-sign-on, but what's my new logon ID and password?
I registered for new single sign-on, but what's my new logon ID and password? Lesley.HXXX where XXX are digits - but what are they? Do I use my old password? Lesley Hamilton
Community Login help
A Colleague at Liberty Christian is not able to register or login to the new community site. It is able to verify her email address by sending a code to her email but then once the code arrives it says it cannot verify the email address or username. Any help would be appreciated.
Alt Text for Flashcards (Creator+ Element)
After inserting all images and noting most as decorative, on accessibility check, I did not see the "Decorative" box checked. So I decided to add descriptions. When editing the images on flashcards, if flashcards were all in one row, editing one image name changed the name of the others if I also checked "image is…
Learning brightspace
my name is Dawn I'm a student at South University and I'm a bit confused on the assignmentsassignment to navigate through brightspace I did infact do that I just had nohave not posted yet.Any pointers or anam I going in the right directiondirection?
Selected menu items highlight
When an item is selected in the table of contents (e.g. topic 1 in the screenshot below), the highlight is barely visible. Is there a way to chance the opacity and/or the color of the highlight? Thank you!
Using null alt text and no title attribute on img elements for images that AT should ignore
THe W3 criterion H67 states that if no title attribute is used, and the alt text is set to null (i.e. alt="") it indicates to assistive technology that the image can be safely ignored. For each image that should be ignored: Check that title attribute is either absent or empty. Check that alt attribute is present and empty.…
Use of figcaption vs alt-text?
Which is best to use from an accessibility point of view and that works best with screen readers? I have been looking, and I need help finding consistency. Some say do not use alt="" with a figcaption, and some say it is OK. WCAG standards do not speak to this. There are times when attributions are needed for images. I…
The new visual style of D2L are very difficult to use. Can settings change them?
Hi, We’ve apparently updated D2L at the UA over the summer and I have a few questions/concerns about the new visuals. 1) Is there a way to have better color contrast and visual separation on the pages? The Apple Store-esque white is cute, but it makes parsing information visually MUCH harder than in the past. This is…
Embedded Spotify podcast blocked - how to permanently allow for all users
I'm having an issue embedding Spotify podcasts onto our lessons for users to listen to. The embedded code has been added and shows up from an administrator perspective. However when logging in as a learner, it shows that the media is from another wesbite and has been blocked, but it does not give the option to allow this…
Custom captions for YouTube
When using the Upload/Create>Video or Audio option in Content to insert a video from YouTube, is there a way to add our own caption file (SRT or VTT)? I know this can be done when uploading a file. YouTube has removed the Community Captioning feature which we used in the past to add correctede captions to videos that our…
Can a user access D2L from another country?
A student will be traveling to Japan next week. Will they be able to access Brightspace from Japan?
Voice-to-text option in D2L as an ADA accommodation
Hi! I hope you are doing well. I am an instructor in Texas. I have a question about ADA accommodations for users with carpal tunnel conditions. I have a range of tools I use for this condition. In particular, I have used voice-to-text software for many years. My college just switched from Blackboard to D2L Brightspace last…
FREE Webinar--Expanding the Reach of Accessibility within Brightspace
Join this free webinar hosted by ReadSpeaker! Feb 23, 2023 @ 2:00 PM EST Expanding the Reach of Accessibility within Brightspace https://app.livestorm.co/readspeaker-llc/expanding-the-reach-of-accessibility-within-brightspace
Wow...turns out I can't delete an item in the New Community
Seeking Photo Roster Tool for Faculty Only
Hello, I wanted to reach out to ask if anyone might be familiar with an available tool that can provide a photo roster for faculty access only? (ie: the instructor would directly upload photos of students for roster management purposes, and students would not have access to this). Thank you in advance.
Ally Video Captions
Hi, My Ally report shows two (2) videos without closed captioning. However, both the videos it flags do indeed have closed captioning. Is this a known bug? Thanks, Jim...
Ally reporting contrast issues with Brightspace
Hi, When I run the Ally report, it shows 2 contrast issues on one of my discussion topics. They are with the light gray "Learning Objectives" and "Completion Summary" tabs. So, I cannot fix these issues. If I am logged in as a student, these tabs do not appear, so ll is well. I was told by my support staff that Ally only…
D2L Quiz Accessibility question
Prior to selecting any of the radio buttons for a setup like this, the screen reader at the moment says: "The Subtotal functions performs these aggregations: Summing, radio button, not checked, Summing. Averaging, radio button, not checked, Averaging" and so on. It reads each option twice. Once when it announces the radio…
How can I add an alt tag to an image?
I want to ensure that my images are accessible for all my students and those who use a screen reader. How do I do this?
What should be the heading level in a D2L rich text field?
When a course author wishes to structure a portion of a D2L page with headings, what is the correct level to use as the first heading? I assume that in the iframe of a Daylight content page, the html page used should have an h1 as the first text element. But what about: * A home page widget? * An announcement in the…