PowerPoint file not presenting some slide titles
Despite carefully ensuring slide titles in my PowerPoint presentation before uploading to Brightspace, it seems that not all titles are displayed in the documenttopdf embedded view within the content area viewer. Notice in the navigation sidebar that the presented slide should read as "Slide Titles" where the sidebar…
Audio Display - any options?
Is there any way to display the audio differently so that it doesn't take up so much space on the page? For example, even just display the play button rather than what I'm seeing here: I'm trying to minimize the footprint on the page, so even just showing the first play arrow would be ideal. Are there any options for the…
Is this page saying that when using an iPad that Chrome, Edge and Firefox should not be used?
Scroll down to ….. Tablets and Mobile Devices Brightspace is supported on the following tablets and mobile devices with the latest browser versions:
Error notification - "Do not ask again" - Please, and to who?
I decided to use a different browser, as Chrome was using too much bandwidth and RAM. I am entering this message using this browser (a Chromium branch), and have had no issues so far marking and administrating my course. Brightspace has to repeatedly tell me everytime I login that I am not using the right browser, and that…
What is "the team's Student Registration Code"?
Hi, I'm trying to login to concept board with a link provided by the instructor and can't get past this point. I have tried my student id and concept board id. Thanks, Adriana
need access to turnitin.com
Need access to turnitin.com
Roles between Module Leader and tutors
Hi May i check if Tutor role can (create/edit/delete contents) similar to Module leader?
Are there suggested features/tools that support/map to UDL (universal design principles)?
Please see attached - we are looking to use icons or 'signposts' that were available in our previous LMS to support students in knowing what is required of them (eg, read, discuss, watch, etc). This is to reduce cognitive load, but also to allow better access in line w UDL.
How to create an accessible equation in learning?
Context: At the Canada School of Public Service we create online courses for federal employees. A team in my department is developing a new online course that introduces several mathematical equations. They want to add the equation as an image and create hot spots on the various parts that learners can click on to learn…
I am an instructor at Remington College in Memphis,TN. There is a mini-quiz in my WEEK 3 (DG 1108)-assignment which is not showing up for me or my students. I am not able to edit the quiz where it can be accessible. Please point me in the right direction where I can get assistance
How do I remove a tutor from an existing module?
How do I remove a tutor from an existing module?
[Bug] Some course activities stretch vertically forever (ALL BROWSERS AFFECTED)
Here is a video to better showcase the issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edMiqvXwHhI This is what the page looks like 5 minutes after loading the activity: https://imgur.com/a/Ry04rVi This happens only in some specific activities. Affected browsers: - Firefox v121.0.1 (Latest available version) - Google Chrome…
how to use the Calander option
For example, in D2L I would like to schedule my quizzes assignments etc.
First time
Hi everyone, I am new to this site so I always expect help and support. Hope this semester will be a great one. However, I am not be able to see any content from my online course (221 Transportation Management) in the Bright Space. Any suggestions please.
how to attach a document
A instructor asked the students to attach a file to this and I dont know how to do any of it.
No contents
Hi, I am SUNY Schenectady County Community College and trying to open the content from my online class 221 Transportation Management but not showing anything. How can I get it ? Please help.
Pulse App
I have the Pulse App downloaded on my phone, a Galaxy Note 22+. Each time I open the App, I have to put the school back in, and then it takes me to a blank page. I have tried reinstalling the App, calling the "help desk" (which said it must be an App problem), using wifi and not, and all the other things that have been…
access brightstep plus on mobile
how can I access or install the D@L or brightstep plus on my phone so that I get reminders etc..?
Having trouble accessing for class.
I'm confused on how to register for my class.
SAML Certificate Renewal - Entra ID
Hello, We setup Single Sign On (SSO) with Brightspace back in Jan 2020. At the time we had to manually send over our XML metadata and SAML certificate. The certificate is due for renewal. I have a few questions about renewal: 1. What's the best way to renew the certificate? 2. As we previously uploaded the metadata…