Formula grade items - weighted?
I'm trying to create a gradebook item that gives the maximum of two other grades, and this new grade should be worth 30% of the course grade. So far, I am suspecting that formula items can't be given weights in BS's weighted grading system, and this seems to result in this item being completely ignored in my course grades…
Delayed feedback
I'd like to be able to delay showing correct/incorrect responses to a question until the learner has attempted a quiz/question a set number of times. This would let me give them feedback after they've given honest effort without immediately showing the answer. Does anyone know how to do this?
Flag imported questions that don't work?
I'm discovering that many (maybe most) of the thousands of questions I have created in moodle do not import properly into brighspace. By that, I mean they don't work. Most classes of questions, in fact, don't work. And there is no clear, on-by-default way to know that after importing. Brightspace cheerfully tells me it has…
Can moodle Calculated (and similar) question types be imported with functions intact?
My university has migrated to Brightspace. I was previously using moodle. I teach statistics. I have hundreds of "calculated" type questions in my moodle question library. Some seem similar to "Arithmetic" questions in Brightspace. Others seem more like "Significant Digits" questions. So far, after importing the moodle…
Team-based quizzes?
Can Brightspace do team-based quizzes (as in team-based learning, or TBL)? This would involve having one quiz attempt active, with scores applied to each person in a group. With Blackboard and Moodle I did this by having each team (5-10 students) choose one member as the quiz-taker of record (QTOR, I guess), then The QTOR…
Allow users' to view an expired/closed course
Please share your organization's best practice on how we can allow users to view an expired/closed course—but NOT earn a certificate. Is this handled through an intelligent agent role change with different roles and permissions assigned to that specific role? Such as a 'Read Only' role?
Where can I find the Criterion ID and Levels Ids for a rubric I created?
I have created a rubric with only two levels: Perfect (the photo uploaded in the assignment has content) and Unacceptable (the photo uploaded in the assignment is blank). I used a Holistic rubric because I just wanted to use a single criterion (content or no content) for this type of assignment. This is the code I wrote in…
I created a quiz but the students cannot see the questions. Help!
has anyone experienced an issue where the webex office hours do not display for all students?
anyone experienced an issue where the webex office hours do not display for all students?
How do I UNDO the change in the point value of a quiz in the Brightspace gradebook
How do I UNDO the change in the point value of a quiz in the Brightspace gradebook The grades were from 50. I changed the max point to 25….all grades changed to 25. Can I undo this? and have all grades back again from 50?
Is mine broken?
Hello Community, My question is regarding setting up my email signature. When I add any sort of graphic in there, it does not get passed through to the recipient. Interestingly, I just tried reloading the graphic after starting an actual email and it showed fine. It seems I simply cannot save my email signature with an…
My objective is to modify or alter the content pages so that the students can complete tasks directl
New variables in arithmetic questions for each new attempt
When using the arithmetic questions in a quiz with multiple attempts, the same variables appeared each time. In the preview, different variables appear, but when completing the test as a student (ie professor status changed to student) the variables remained the same. We are aware that new variables can be generated for…
What are the Media Integration role permissions?
I searched the Roles and Permissions documentation (About roles and permissions - Brightspace) and could not find information about the permissions under the Media Integration tool. These permissions are accessible to administrators when creating or editing a role from Roles & Permissions in the Brightspace LE. What do…
Why is feedback from an instructor showing it is coming from a different instructor?
I have a course with multiple instructors at my university. One instructor has been leaving feedback to students, but they are seeing the feedback coming from a different instructor's name. Therefore, it looks like the first instructor hasn't given any feedback. When this instructor tries to click on the feedback they've…
create sandbox
new user--how do i create a sandbox
Using Brightspace tools, can an activity be created thatʻs similar to using VoiceThread (VT)?
Hi Community! Iʻm new to Brightspace and would like to know if itʻs possible to have an activity with capabilities similar to what faculty and students could do in VT using Brightspace tools. For example, VT letʻs users combine images, video, text, and audio to create, collaborate, and communicate in multimedia…
Question on data reported for feedback read
Hi! We recently were looking at the "FeedbackIsRead" column in the data report "Assignment submissions" and we've noticed some issues with the way the data is collected for feedback. If a user views their overall feedback from the Gradebook, this doesn't count as "read". Additionally, if there is inline marks that the…
Alternatives to Wikis
Hello! My institution is in the midst of moving from Blackboard to Brightspace. Does anyone have any recommendations for what feature in Brightspace may allow for the type of activity the "wiki" feature in blackboard enabled? Thanks!