Regarding "Quizzes - Improved experience for generating quiz reports | Updated"
I am wondering why the UX team did not sufficiently consider the implications of the changes in the user interface for downloading quiz and other types of information in CSV or Excel files. With the old interface I was able to click on the down arrow next to the item, select grade, select download CSV, and it would happen…
How to Hide Past Course Offering based on Semester
Hi please help how to hide course offering base on semester, by bulking too Thank you
Content Classic vs New
Is the direction moving forward to phase out classic content?
Problem with New Ipad
Some students have difficulty displaying quiz on Brightspace with the last version of Apple Ipad, are you aware of these difficulties ?
What’s a passing grade?
Is a 71.99% final grade passing?
Can User Records Be Merged?
We need to merge user records for staff who have changed programs and have activity under old Brightspace accounts. If this is possible, can someone walk us through this process?
Can you use the Brightspace API to add a Survey to a Topic Item?
You can use this call to update topic items. The json parameters you send in the post has a url parameter that is supposed to point to the Survey. However, when retrieving the survey, the SurveyReadData does not contain a url parameter. Is it possible to create a topic item that has a link to a survey? Thanks.
Student peer feedback
I have an English Composition instructor who would like students to be able to share drafts with their peers and give each other feedback. We piloted FeedBack Fruits about a year ago but couldn't get enough faculty interest to justify the purchase. So I'm looking to see if anyone in the community has found a way to do…
Can I retrieve a list of users who completed a survey?
Hi, I would like to know if there is a way in which I can do an API request for obtaining a list of users and their id's that have completed a survey. Thank you.
Range of points in a rubric
Hello, Is it possible to create a range of points using the analytic rubric? I have an instructor who wants the ability to click certain level, but assign points as they see fit within a certain category. Here's a segment of a rubric they're currently using. Proficiency 20 – 16 Effective 15 - 11 Developing 10 – 6 Not Met 5…
What are the best practices for administration of course that are 'open'?
I'm looking for information about how to best administer courses that are not restricted to a term, but that have continual enrolment. How can they be best created and archived so that the class lists do not become unwieldy? Apologies if this question has already been asked; I appreciate any information about this that is…
I'm curious to know what others in higher ed are using to track and manage attendance. We're using the Brightspace attendance registers but are finding the reports in the Data Hub to be limited. Are there any other vendors who do a really great job with tracking attendance and reporting. It would be great if it integrated…
How do I replace a video in the Welcome Widget?
We currently have a 2 page welcome widget that includes a video. I need to upload a new video but the Customize widget "…" link does not work for me. Would appreciate where to find instructions for doing this. Can't seem to find anything in D2L community or even in google.
Where would a previous course not being offered be stored for the future?
I have other courses that i need to save for a later date. Do i have to store old course information locally or is there a place on Brightspace?
What is the best laptop/brand for using bright space? Thoughts on ipad??
Was thinking about getting an IPad with the pen and keyboard, but I wasn’t sure if this would be okay. Do I need a laptop specifically? If so, what brand works best with bright space. I will be in a nursing program.
Where can I upload my custom css to the it applies globally ? to avoid adding in each page.
I can paste my css through HTML editor and it works fine but having to add in 100s of pages is not very productive. Is there a way to upload or paste my CSS to make them work globally ?
Adding Outcomes to Grades Mastery view
Once you have your Outcomes imported into your Course and set your achievement levels, how do you select outcomes to evaluate within the Gradebook?
How can I include more than one paragraph in Stylised Quote?
In multiple occasions I need to include individual lines or short paragraphs in a Stylised Quote. Creator+ doesn't allow this. Does anyone know any workaround? Thanks
Where can I download this: Free Higher Education Module Outlines
Free Higher Education Module Outlines
Open Attendance on Last Previously Opened Date
Hi - is there a way to have the attendance open to the last previously opened date? This would save instructors from having to scroll across to find the correct date every time they enter attendance.