To Update Grade Formula

Hello, I have three quizzes, and the current grade formula calculates the final grade as the average of Q1, Q2, and Q3. However, if a student has only attempted one quiz, the formula calculates the final grade by assuming the scores of Q2 and Q3 to 0, which is not desired. How can I update the formula so that the final grade is only calculated once all the grades for Q1, Q2, and Q3 are updated?



  • Hello,

    How do you have your grades calculating with respect to ungraded items?

    There are two options.

    • Drop ungraded items: Items that are not graded will not count towards the final grade.
    • Treat ungraded items as 0: Items that do not have a grade inputted are counted as 0 in the final grade.

    It sounds like you have the "Treat ungraded items as 0" option chosen and you would prefer the "Drop ungraded items" option.

    You can change this by using the Grades Setup Wizard, and changing this option on step 3 - Grade Calculations.

    Let me know if this works.



  • Avinashdeep.K.637
    Avinashdeep.K.637 Posts: 11 🌱

    Thanks Andrea,

    I understand your point, but I don't want the final score to be calculated until all three quizzes have been graded. In the screenshot taken from another course, you can see that the final score is zero for the student if all quizzes haven't been attempted or graded. However, this isn't the case for the course I'm currently setting up.

  • Jennifer.W.973
    Jennifer.W.973 Posts: 357 🎆

    @Avinashdeep.K.637 This worked for me: =IF{ (MIN{ [Ethics CS 1.Percent], [Ethics CS 2.Percent], [Ethics CS 3.Percent] } = 0), 0, AVG{ [Ethics CS 1.Percent], [Ethics CS 2.Percent], [Ethics CS 3.Percent] } } with the max points on the final grade item set to 100. However, any student who did get an actual 0 (rather than the system's treat ungraded as 0) would not have an updated final grade. It would remain at 0 for them too. You can type in 0.00001 instead of 0 just to get the calculation to work for those students.

  • Avinashdeep.K.637
    Avinashdeep.K.637 Posts: 11 🌱

    Thanks Jennifer, it works if I put 0, but not for 0.0001