Re-peat Trainees - how best to manage and track their completion?

Hi community,

From time to time we have instances where we request trainees re-complete some modules based on feedback they could be individual modules or modules in an entire learning path. My question is how do others set up and manage retraining for their teams where they have visibility of completion but also ease of use for the learner?

Would love to hear how you facilitate this when using brightspace!



  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 573 admin

    HI @Jordan.L.8923
    I often recommend the use of awards for this because you can set an expiration for an award so that you, and learners are kept in the loop of the expectation to re-certify in key areas at a specific time.

    Awards also offer some handy flexibility in that each learning path or module may have slightly different completion criteria but the concept of the badge and it's use for reporting can remain constant.

    This is the section of our documentation that describes how to set up awards, just in case it's handy