Checklists and Completion Summary

Has anyone else had an issue with the completion summary for checklists displaying incorrect information. For instance as an instructor in the course I see in the completion summary that all of my students have 9 of 9 items checked off in their checklist, however I know that at least one of the students hasn't even logged into Brightspace.
Class Progress shows the correct information for checklists but it doesn't seem like completion summary does.
Hi Emma, I think this is actually a quirk of how it's designed.
When people have not completed the checklist in its entirety, it will display like this:When they have completed the checklist, the dot becomes a check, and it displays the completion time:
I imagine that what you were expecting is for it to say, for instance, '0 of 3 items completed'?
I can't see a request for this in the Product Idea Exchange, but I'd start by putting one there. -
Hey Ollie,
Thanks so much! That's super helpful. What you described is exactly what I'd expect to see. I'll put in a PIE for it.