Attendance/Scheme issue

Michael.K.1114 Posts: 2 🔍
edited September 2024 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary
Good afternoon ... Our institute recently switched from Moodle to Brightspace, and I spent some time today setting up the attendance portion of Brightspace for my shop class, and I found that there was no where to add a note for a specific student regarding their absence.
For example, in the scheme - rather than just using "L" to denote Late, we would add a note showing the amount of time missed (ex: 15 minutes).
When we get to the end of the semester, we use these notes to compile the actual minutes (or in some cases, hours) of time missed to show them how important punctuality is when they start their work placement. Without this feature, "L" has little or no meaning to us.
Is there a plan to add a simple text field that can be filled out?


  • Hi, @Michael.K.1114!

    First, Welcome to D2L / Brightspace. We love to hear our client's needs and this is an excellent suggestion for enhancing the Brightspace Attendance tool. Please, feel free to log your suggestion in our Product Idea Exhange

    Additionally, you may see what D2L is Planning in our Product roadmap

  • Jennifer.W.973
    Jennifer.W.973 Posts: 406 🎆

    @Michael.K.1114 I think you just need to build all the late options into a Scheme. For example, Present is assigned 100%, Late by 5 minutes is 90%, Late by 10 minutes is 80%, Late by 15 minutes is 75%, Absent is 0%, etc. Then you just select from the dropdown list instead of manually typing in notes, and D2L will do the calculation to provide the overall % attendance for the semester.