linked assisgnments

Yuankun.Y.9679 Posts: 2 🔍
edited September 27 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary
I imported a course from Blackboard to Brightspace. In Brightspace the assignments now appear both in Content and Assessment. If I delete the assignment in one place (say, Content), will it also delete the assignment in the other place (say, Assessment)?

Also, if I now decide to open a module that contains information from both Content and Assessment, such as Assignment 1 for Moduel 1, will the assignment disappear in all three locations if I remove the assignment in one spot? Keep in mind that the assignment was imported from Blackboard and automatically stored in Content and Assessment.


  • Hi Yuankun.Y,

    When deleting an Assignment/Quiz/Discussion etc., that has been linked to from the Content tool is deleted you are presented two options as shown

    Decide whether you want to remove the module or topic from the Content view only or permanently delete the module or topic from the course (this will also delete all associated objects including discussions, quizzes, etc).

    The first option removes the link to the file/activity from the content view only, the later removes the file/activity from the content view and from the associated tool.

    If you choose to delete the topic and the associated file /activity from the course all topic links will be removed from the content tool. Quicklinks to the assessment/activity created in HTML documents will no longer work.

    Hope that helps!