Survey/quiz responses in the API
Is there any way of accessing students' quiz and survey responses in the API? So far I have only been able to access attempt metadata (e.g. when a student took the quiz, how long it took them).
When is D2L going to offer Spanish
Under Profile when is D2L going to be adding Spanish as a language. With the large (over 50% of our states having Spanish speaking populations, colleges want to meet their needs. This is an option that would be greatly used.
416 Error when initiating upload
I'm trying to initiate an upload by posting to: /d2l/api/lp/(version)/(orgUnitId)/managefiles/file/upload I'm including the required headers (with the actual token where the placeholder is): { 'Authorization': 'Bearer <TOKEN>', 'X-Upload-Content-Type': 'text/csv', 'X-Upload-Content-Length': '530', 'X-Upload-File-Name':…
Brightspace Self-Guided Instructor Course
I have two questions: Do you get a certificate when you complete the self-guided Instructor course in the D2L Learning Center. Can you place the Self-guided Instructor Course under your Org so you can see who is taking/took the course? Thanks!
Editing & Chunking Content From Course Shell
I have tried to edit the content in my class that was uploaded as part of the course shell. The issue is that I made a copy and edited it by chunking the material into small content. I imported another copy of the content and then edited it with different items from the content. The problem arises there. I went back to the…
New Service API = Announcement API?
I started reading the News Service API. It sounds like this deals with Announcements. When I look at the News config variables, they are specifically talking about Announcements. Does this provide a way to programaticlly post announcements at the various org levels using the API?
Updated Quiz Questions in Library are not Updating in Quiz Pool
Hello, I am making updates to questions in the question library then saving in both the library and quiz pool when prompted. However, when I preview my quiz, the updates are not populating at all. How can I fix this without remaking my quiz pools each time?
Can anyone help to integration Course Outcomes integration (Third party URL)
Hi @Team, I am integrating the D2L into our application. Can anyone help me for integration. I have stucked in some of the places. Now I need to create a course outcome. Which API I have to refer. Please help?
Transtion from Mobius and Moodle to D2L
Hi, I need to convert exam formula questions from Mobius and Moodle to D2L. Will there be an easy way? Or would I need to save the questions into word files? Thanks, Carisa
Bug when updating quizzes?
I'm an experienced developper making a tool to update a bunch of information programatically. I have no problem updating folders but I have a weird issue with the PUT /quizzes/quizID endpoint, see here https://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/quiz.html#put--d2l-api-le-(version)-(orgUnitId)-quizzes-(quizId) I kinda figured…
machine readable API documentation?
Is there a full machine readable API documentation available? I realize there are blocks of JSON-like descritiption in the human readable reference, and they are described here: But are all of those JSON-like segments gathered somewhere (for each API-version)? Potential formats (but I'm not limited to those): JSON, YAML,…
Course Progress not matching content
Hello Community! I had an issue today where we have an Articulate Storyline eLearning in a module that opens to a new window. For some reason, the course progress shows the asset is incomplete, however upon reviewing the eLearning, the user completed all portions of the imported course. Please advise. Course Progress:…
Merged: How to contact the API team?
This discussion has been merged.
Improving search results under DISCOVER
Greetings, The Discover tool is in need of some tweaking. My academic section is called AWO. Typing those 3 letters into Discover yields results including *every instance* of AWO, AW, or WO appearing anywhere in a course title or description at our university. Worse, it doesn't sort by accuracy. This means students typing…
Assigning learning in Learning Groups
I have a learning group that has started going through 4 courses assigned to that group. I have now been asked to add a learning path of 24 courses to that Learning Group. The learning path includes the 4 courses that were originally assigned. If I assign the learning path to that learning group, will the progress of those…
Safelisting / Whitelisting
Hello, I am wondering if there is a way of tightening the safe listing / whitelisting so that our clients can only login to our subdomain while accessing whatever other subdomains the components and apis need to reach out to function. My employer does not our clients having access to logon to other organization's…
Registering account and OAuth 2.0
Hello, I am a new developer currently studying Computer Science at Michigan State University. I would like to register my test developer application and gain admindtrstaive privleges to access the Estensilbity tool. My goal is to make API calls to D2L from my web application project.
Can you share rubrics between departments in Brightspace?
What is the easiest way to share department rubrics within Brightspace? Since rubrics are easily edited, I do have a concern about keeping them in tact when sharing. Thanks!
Can I associate a selectbox grade item to a discussion topic?
When attempting to do so the grade item does not appear in the list of selectable existing grade items. When creating new from the topic it defaults to a numeric grade item.
Embedding/uploading a SCORM or Web file as a section on a HTML content page using Creator+
I have developed an interactive diagram in Storyline 360 and wish to use in the course that developed by Creator+, how can I embed this in? shall I export it as a SCORM file? But I can't see the option for me to add a SCORM file as a section in a module. or shall I export it as Web item? and how can I add it as a section…