Upload File Access to the Media Library via API

Is there API access to upload files to a users Media Library? I can't find reference to it specifically but perhaps it's something that's been documented elsewhere. Thanks for any assistance you can provide:
At the moment, it's only video and audio files that go into the media library. It would be interesting to know whether using the API to upload create a File Topic and upload a video using
POST /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/modules/(moduleId)/structure/
will put the content into Media Library or into module files as per the legacy way.
I'm pretty confident it's not going to end up in the media library using that endpoint. The documentation you linked to requires a map to the eventual home for the file with this example file path:
Media Library has a different file location altogether, separate from the content area in a given course, and seemingly specific to the user, rather than to the course. -
Ah good point. I think in that case it's pretty definite that there isn't a (documented) API for the media library.