Quiz set up query
We have a quiz at the end of each module and in Learner view there is no 'Click to start quiz' button so there is no way for the learner to actually start the quiz! (the button is there and it works when I look at the preview in the admin view.) How can I get this button to appear in the Learner view?
creating a Form
Hi there i'd like to create a form that will be used for external staff to provide feedback on course material. How do i start?
Final Grade not showing in Class Progress
Hello, We are using the gradebook to track attendance to a course. If learner attended the course, they are marked as Complete (100%) in the gradebook. However when going in the Class Progress report, the Grades column show "No Grades" to all participants.
Cropping image function
I have an issue cropping images within Brightspace. It starts zoomed in very closely to the image, and I am unable to zoom out so I can crop the image i.e. the zoom out button doesn't work. Has anyone had this issue or can identify why this is happening to me? Thanks
How can I submit a support ticket?
I have a question regarding an issue on our platform, but I no longer see any way to submit a support request on the new community portal. Am I missing something? Can someone point me to the page where I can do this? To be clear, I am the admin for our agency's Brightspace platform. Thank you, Wanda B.
Issue with quizzes on course
I have a learner who has completed all the necessary requirements in order to complete the end-of-course quiz. However, the quiz is not appearing for him. I have tried manually marking the course portion as complete to move him forward to the quiz and I have tried giving him special access to the quiz. These solutions have…
Event notification
Hi, does enyone know is there a way to notify a teacher or admin when some event is finished? For example, when a user finishes course (all activities in Class Progress) the system should send an email or a notification to the teacher or someone else. Similar as the awards notify users. Best regards, Sasha Bradic
Getting an error when trying to download User Attribute Values or User Attribute Definitions
Trying to download these two data sets but I end up with this error. What could be causing it?
Question about setting up employee reporting structure
Hiya, I was looking at the data sets page, but I couldn't find anything regarding employee-manager relationships. In a corporate context, how would I set this up? Like for example, if I wanted to look up this particular employee's reporting manager.
Making a role visible in Class Progress
Hi, how can I make a role (I created called Auditor/Manager) visible in the Class Progress? This person might still take the course like a learner so I want to be able to see their progress and have them appear here and in classlist.
Data Purge
I am currently trying to delete a large number of inactive courses but I do not have a DATA PURGE option, can someone help with this?
What does it mean to have 'sprout' designation?
Is there a way to perform a bulk update of usernames?
We are integrating Brightspace with Okta, and I need to change the user names of roughly 350 users to their email addresses in both our Production and Test environments. I tried to use the Bulk Update tool, but it doesn't appear that it will support a user name change (there's no way I could find to indicate what the new…
Data Hub report showing Completed Date
is there a Data Hub report that includes the Completed Date? I have checked quite a few and cannot find a report that include the Completed Date for each user/course.
Can users share multiple badges at a time?
Our organization just enabled public badge sharing. A learner asked if there was a way to multi-share badges - some of our users have 20+ badges. I suspect the answer is no… But can someone confirm there aren't any workarounds?
Is there any way to set up quizzes so that learners only have to click "Submit" once?
My learners struggle with submitting quizzes. Right now, there are three steps for submitting quizzes: They have to click "Submit quiz" at the bottom of the page with the questions, then they have to click "Submit quiz" again on the next page, and then they have to click "Done" at the bottom of the screen with the…
Survey Results by Participant?
Hello! Is there an option to run a survey report that shows who completed a survey and who has not? We want to be able to follow up with participants who have not completed our course surveys and we are looking for a report we can eaily run to show us this information. I know we can go into Class Progress or Class List,…
"Intelligent agents" vs default reports
I visit my course modules and click on the reports cog, so I can see traffic ina specific course page. When I run an intelligent agent for the same page, I get, systematically, smaller traffic although I look back since the start of the course.
How to update the Fav Icon
I could not find any documentation on updating the Fav Icon, and there is not a place to upload one (that I could find). Where can this be done? We want our customers to have a consistant experience, and easily find the tab in their browswer with our content on it.
Exclude employees from a learning group
Is there any way to include exclusions (not equal to) in a learning group membership. I am creating a learning group to auto-enroll all employees except for a few roles. to only include ALL the other roles would be cumbersome and open to missing some. But I cannot see a not equal to option.