Can I email all learners from Classlist without opening "Email Classlist"?

Annette.P.996 Posts: 12 🌱
edited June 2024 in Corporate

I tried to use the instructions in Step 4 of to email all learners in a course from the Classlist page. However, I realized that that the Select All check box above the Classlist table selected all users only on the current page.

Is there a way to actually select all learners from the Classlist page…

  • without going into "Email Classlist" and
  • without just increasing how many people appear in the Classlist table?
    • We have several large asynchronous classes that will have multiple pages of learners even if we increase the number per page.

Email Classlist is a workable option for us, but I wanted to check in case I was missing something.


Best Answer


  • Hello @Annette.P.996

    Thank you for reaching out to D2L through the Brightspace Community. Thanks for sharing the screenshot for a better understanding of the raised query.

    Could you please click on "Email Classlist" without selecting the highlighted option from your screenshot? It should automatically trigger a redirect page displaying all the users with their email address present in the classlist.

    Hope this helps,
    Mohit Bhargav