Is there a way to show previous/next topic buttons on the bottom of the screen too?

Maureen.B.923 Posts: 134 Analytics Builder Transition

A user provided feedback that, when they finish a topic, it would be nice to not have to scroll back to the top of the page to access the "next" button.

Are there any config variables or settings that would allow us to add next/previous buttons at the bottom AND top of topic pages?

Best Answer

  • Natasha.B.837
    Natasha.B.837 Posts: 30
    edited October 2023 Answer ✓

    Hi Maureen

    We have 3 different Content experiences for users (learners/students). When you create HTML content in Brightspace, the Next and Back buttons are displayed at both the top and the bottom of the topic pages in the Classic Content Experience and are fixed and always accessible at the top of the page in the New Learner Experience. In the New Content Experience, there are no Next or Back buttons - users must use the navigation tree on the left to move between topics and units.

    Classic Content Experience

    New Learner Experience

    New Content Experience


  • Maureen.B.923
    Maureen.B.923 Posts: 134 Analytics Builder Transition

    Thanks. FYI to anyone else who reads this, I've submitted a PIE to improve the New Learner Experience.

  • Charity.D.164
    Charity.D.164 Posts: 8 🧭

    Do the "new learner experience" back and next buttons show up in the Pulse app?

  • Natasha.B.837
    Natasha.B.837 Posts: 30
    edited March 2024

    Hi Charity

    If a course is using the New Learner Experience and the student opens the course in the Pulse app, there are two ways a student can view the course.

    • If the student clicks on a topic after opening the course in Pulse, the "Pulse" experience is displayed, which does not show the Back and Next buttons. Instead, there is just a Back link at the top.
    • If a student opens a course in the Pulse app, clicks the three dots (ellipsis) and then selects Launch Course Homepage, the course will display in the "New Content Experience", just fitted onto a mobile screen. In that case, the Back and Next buttons are visible once a student clicks on Content in the navbar or a topic in the Visual Table of Contents widget, just as they are when you launch a course in Brightspace.

    Hope this helps!
