How do I Enter your reply in the Brightspace Editor. To include the original post's text in your rep
How do I Enter my reply in the Brightspace Editor? I'm told I need to include the original post's text in your reply, by clicking the Add original post text link. How do I do this?
How can i have Quicklink (CIM)
Hi, i have a problem. Need Quicklink (CIM) for integrate winth Edpuzzel: But i don´t have it in Brightspace: Already use the normal Quicklink but it dosn't work. In edpuzzel tell me that i need ICM Someone know how can i have it?
My first D2L training session is April 3rd. How do I login?
Archiving Blackboard Courses - April 3th from 10:00am-11:00am
I cannot confirm my phone number for SMS notifications
Hello, every time I hit confirm your mobile number, nothing happens. I don’t receive a text message, does anyone know how to fix this issue?
Is it easy to transfer questions from a survey into a quiz
Hello I've set up a Professional Standards audit using the survey tool but unfortunately our members can't see their responses after submission. As a result, I believe I need to set it up now as a quiz so that our members can have multiple attempts and see their previous responses. Can you advise . . . Is there a quick way…
How to get subsequent evaluation for an already evaluated student?
I use Brightspace as a facilitator / teacher. I'm making a browser extension for myself that automatically find any student assignment submissions that isn't evaluated. For my first version I used the following endpoint: GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/dropbox/folders/ The data it returns contains 2 relevant fields:…
How do I log into a second Brightspace account with another university?
My account automatically signs me into my first school's profile.
Is it possible for students to save drafts of their quiz responses so they can work on them over tim
We are experimenting with using a Quiz that includes short answers and a Panopto video submission to replace an assignment that required students to record a video, upload a link or MP4 file and attach it to the drop box and also download a Word document, complete their work, then upload their completed document to the…
Gradebook SIS Export - Reset?
We have been using the export grades to sis for quite some time without issues. However, in a fluke scheduling incident, we ran into a situation where we had to change/rebuild sections after that date. The older grades had stopped coming over from a prior date, so late-graded submissions are not making it over. Is there a…
Learning Object Repository-Link update
Hi, my previous manager placed a link into a Learning Object Repository, but the information needs to be updated now. Please advise on how to make changes to the information or if we need to add a new updated link (how?).
SIS Integration with Ellucian Colleague
My institution is currently setting up SIS integration between our ERP system, Colleague, and Brightspace. Any feedback feedback you can provide about your experiences would be helpful, particularly around issues like how to associate courses with programs. That doesn't seem possible (or at least easy).
Notifications within Portfolio Tool
Hi everyone, My question is about the portfolio resource which is wonderful; however, our team has faced various issues resulting in significant extra work. I have already asked several questions on the Portfolio tool. Here is another one: Is there any notification system within portfolio that could inform a teacher when…
how to show my feedback under each question in Quizzes for students
Hello. I would like to know how to show my manually typed feedback for students, under each question in quizzes. Students reported they can see my feedback for some weeks, but cannot see my feedback for other weeks. I don't know much about the setting, but from my end, they all look same. What can i do to fix this issue ?
Individual Assignment folder for groups
We have a situation….. an assignments folders (file submission) was set up as an Individual folder, when it should have been set up as a group folder. As a result, we have over 190 students who see "file not submitted" when in fact, it was submitted by the group scribe. Can we edit to show that all students have submitted…
Indirect to direct login
Our students currently login to Brightspace indirectly by logging on to a student portal through our schools system. We’ve had some server issues this week so our system is currently down. This means that students are unable to login to Brightspace to complete their work. Is there a way to allow these students to login to…
Closed Captioning
Does anyone know how to get the CC to appear in a panel to rhe right of a video? I xcan probably do it with tghe SCORM tool I use, but can you do it in brightspace?
Dropbox files changing format of student papers
Do we know if there is a cause or a fix for the grading display of student papers in the dropbox that is changing the format of the paper? For instance, a student submitted a properly formatted MLA paper with their name and page number in the top right corner. However, on my end it displays in the grading window as the…
document viewer error
User has been getting this error message when trying to view an assignment submissions with the document viewer. Any idea what could be happening?
How do you weight grades?
Wrong Submission
Good day, I have made a wrong submission for my training and development course for peer evaluation for group assignment. I really need help as the submitted file is confidential and i will like it deleted before any of my group member sees it