Product Roadmap Q dates
Hi, Could you provide the dates for the Q's in the Product Roadmap. Ex: Q1 starts in February 2024 and ends on April 30th 2024 What are the dates for Q2- and the rest? Note: The Ask a Question dialog box would let me see, but not tag this as a product roadmap question.
Files are not displaying in New Content Experience
I'm not sure if this is normal behavior for the new content experience, but uploaded files are not displaying. Instead, they automatically download. And even if I upload a Word doc, it auto-downloads as a pdf. I can then download it as a word doc by clicking on the download icon, but nothing else loads. I can't read the…
Dynamic Quizzes?
Hi everyone, We have an instructor who would like to see some dynamic quizzing functionality in Brightspace D2L. Here is what he claims: --- I use the R/exams package to create assessments as Blackboard packages (see, e.g., https://www.r-exams.org/tutorials/exams2blackboard/). This tool creates dynamic quizzes by making a…
Data Hub's APIs- Retrieve a Data Set Extract File
Hi all, Im trying to retrieve a data set extract file fro Data Hub API. Im stuck at this part. I tried on it didnt work. The error is Unknown error occurred (HTTP status 500). Can someone help. Thank you.
Why can't my learners access surveys?
I have several courses that use surveys for course evaluations but learners cannot access them. Interestingly, it's a different issue depending on the course. In one course, the survey won't load at all and the learner receives the message, "This content item cannot be rendered". In another course, the learner receives a…
Insert QuickLink to a Course file changed since last update
Hi, Untill recently if you added a QuickLink to a course file (for example a pdf file) the link to such a file was added with target="_self". However, now such links are added with target="_blank" rel="noopener." Is this a new feature since the last update? Was there a new update? If so, where can I read the changes? Kind…
Image crop and resize
I have some flip cards with images. The images are already inserted. Two are landscape and two are portrait. I want to crop the portrait ones so that they are landscape - I would like the flipcard to have proportions similar to the ones with landscape images in them. Here an example of what it looks like before the edit.…
assignment submission notifications
Is there a way that instructors can receive email notifications when a student submits an assignment?
List of Permissions
Where can I find a list of all permissions in Brightspace?
Is there a way to gather statistics in one document for the same test in multiple courses?
Why are updates to Quiz Questions and Sections treated differently?
Sections are an essential component of quizzes. They are the only place where instructors can insert instructions for a series of questions that follow. However, there is inconsistency between how questions and sections are treated when updating. Let's suppose, I have created a series of questions (with section dividers)…
Transferring survey questions into a question library
How do you import questions from a survey into a question library and then export them into a quiz?
Can someone point me to the correct specifications to use with Brightspace?
I have tried to search but not seeing the page that used to exist.
Removing column from self registration list
Hi, I am wondering how to remove this column from both external and internal self-registration lists.
Keyset URL cannot be reached
I'm trying to setup an LTI advantage link with Mahara on our test environment but after completing all the details as instructed on the Mahara help pages here: https://manual.mahara.org/en/21.10/external/lti_brightspace.html#ltiadvantage-brightspace Brightspace returns a Keyset URL cannot be reached error. Any ideas what I…
Favicon change
Is it possible to change the Favicon that shows in an open tab? It gets confusing if we have open both our production and testing environments and we want to easily switch between them, and to avoid pushing something to prod that should be in test and vice a versa. Has anyone been able to do this or is it hardcoded? Cheers…
Arithmetic Questions, Possibility of asking more than one unknown in a question (autograded)
Hello, When I create an arithmetic question I could only ask one unknown in a given question. 1-Is it possible to ask several unknowns in one question? 2-Is it possible to ask some unknowns in a table like the image attached below? As an example given A=10 and B=5, I would like to ask the followings in one question. For…
arithmetic questions: need to accept either a positive or a negative answer
Hey all, In creating an arithmetic question, I somehow need to explain to Brightspace that if the answer is, say 123, then I want either a positive (123) or a negative (-123) answers to be accepted as correct. How do I do that? For context, you might be wondering how it makes sense to accept both the negative and the…
How to edit
How to edit
Arithmetic variable number generation
Hi D2L - in the Arithmetic question creation is there a way to generate a variable based on an existing random generated variable? for example to maintain proportions for a rectangular building I would like to random generate the length {x} then generate the width based on the length, {y} = {x}*0.6?