Course Offering Unenroll and Sections

We are faced with a weird situation: We have users that are enrolled into a course offering and a section within that course. We had to unenroll all users from the course offering and we create a new section. When asked to re-enroll into the course again (and in the new section) those who were unenroll from the classlist now show up in both sections (the old and the new).
We suspect that when unerolling a user from a course via the classlist, it keep their enrolment in the initial section so that when they register to the same course a second time, they are now enrolled in the two sections.
We would expect that when a user is unenroll from a course it would also uneroll them from any sections within that course but it doesnt seem to be the case. Is there a setting to change this behaviour?
Hi Frédéric,
What tools are you using to manage your course and section enrolments?
Thanks, Chris
Users register via CourseMerchant. However if we as admin manually need to uneroll someone we go from the classlist directly in Brightspace.