Where/How can I find required materials for my current classes on D2L.
I'm new and just realized I might be missing some of my class material (media and politics) since I have not yet registered for D2L.
Intelligent Agent - Sending email when not enrolled in a group
I want to create an Intelligent Agent that sends an email at set times after checking that a student has not enrolled in a group. I can figure out how to send an email when they have enrolled in a group, but not when they have not. Basically, the idea is to keep reminding the student to do it until either the time runs out…
How do I use the meeting scheduler in Brightspace
Hi there! I'm trying to use the meeting scheduler tab to schedule presentations. I need to make bookings available in blocks e.g. three people can select the same meeting time. I can create the meeting but I have no idea how to share it with my students. Any help would be appreciated.
Course information
How do I find information on my Université Saint-Paul University in person courses? I am looking for syllibi and reading lists.
Module subfolders not working
Until recently, I was able to group my content into this pattern (using module/lesson folders) - Module 1, Week 1, Lesson 1. This is working up to Module 4, Week 14, Lesson…. At Week 14 my Content Builder stops transferring to the Content page, AND I'm no longer able to set up a module with subfolder/lessons Please see…
zoom classes
How do I zoom in for online classes?
Downloading Discussion Threads?
Hi there, I am interested in downloading an entire discussion thread from D2L, including names, who said what, and when. I need this in a single file, either in a doc or pdf format. My goal is to analyze the patterns using content analysis techniques. However, I'm having trouble figuring out how to do this on D2L. Could…
My Roll changed. Search feature now shows hundreds of irrelevant courses
Under the Import/Export/Copy Components, there is a "Search for offering" function under Copy Components. It used to display search results of courses I was an Instructor for. Recently that has begun displaying search results for every course my department has ever taught since the beginning. My role in my organization was…
Email out-of-office
Hi all. Is there a way to set up an auto-reply for email messages received in Brightspace? More and more students are sending late night and weekend email messages through the course shell and are expecting an immediate response (even after being advised in News that one will not be forthcoming until the following day).…
How do I activate student access to course?
Question as above.
how do i pin my course to my profile?
how do i pin my course to my profile?
I can't access PIE
I get the message: Unavailable Quicklink The External Learning Tool is not available.
Hey all! Does Brightspace work for IPads?
single profile widget
My single profile widget will not open to allow me to edit and add my personal information and picture.
Some of my assignments say they are overdue even though I have long turned in the assignment.
Is it me or brightspace?
What resources are available to inform instructors about the Pulse app?
Teams Integration bugs
Hi, In our Brightspace Teams Integration widget, if the user ticks the box for "make a team for all sections" it will make two identical teams with identical enrollment even if there is only one section of the class. Then if the user deletes one of those teams, it deletes both of them. Then the user can't make a new Team,…
Hello Joshua. How might I get HTML and JavaScript Code to create folders?
Hello Joshua. How might I get HTML and JavaScript Code to create folders? I have rearranged the content for my students, but it just looks and feels like a long scroll despite my attempts to compartmentalize. Is there a way to create folder within the modules and sub-modules so that things look nice and neat? Thank you, so…
course set-up
I need help to verify if my course is set-up correctly is there someone I can talk to that can give me some support
Click and Reveal font size issue
The font size in the Click and Reveal element displays in a 7-8px. I want it to match the recommended Lato 19px. Is there any way I can fix this?