Hii I am facing issue while accessing Rubrics through given API end point.
API Versions: unstable – Route first appears in LE v10.5.2. Api Version is specified as above , what should be the api version for this and I am not able access data or find data from this API. can someone help me with this. I am trying to fetch this data through postman and I have Super Admin Profile in D2L.
Can the popup message "New content is now available!" in Lessons experience be disabled?
When users satisfy release conditions on a page in the Lessons experience, a popup message appears towards the bottom of the interface that reads "New content is now available!" and links to the released content with a hyperlinked message "Click to visit new content." We find the popup distracting. Can these popups be…
Adding third party tools in Brightspace Assignemnts
What is the best practice for adding third party tools in the Brightspace Assignments tool? Should faculty use the Insert Stuff button or the Add Existing Activity button at the bottom of the page? Which will interact better with the gradebook and cause less confusion for the students?
My Classlist prints out of alphabetical order. How can I change it?
My classlist is in alpha order in Brigthspace, but when I print, it puts my name (as the instructor) at the top and lists students in order of being added to the course. How can I change this? Thanks, Mike
Automatically Enable TurnItIn Inside Assignments
After copying over content to a new course, the TurnItIn settings need to be re-enabled. Can this be configured to be enabled by default as soon as assignments are copied over to a course?
import zip file/set default Content settings font & size
Hi! does visiting the Content Settings cog and setting a font and size under Default Font Settings mean that that will apply to content pages imported from a zip file please? does enable html templates need to be ticked too please? thanks!
why can't my students see the grades I've entered in the grading spreadsheet?
I have entered grades in the spreadsheet for all the Discussion weeks but students can only see the final grade in percentage
How do I see grade columns in Brightspace?
I do not see how to create and place an individual class assignment grade in Brightspace.
HTML Templates v5 broken
I am trying to install the new HTML Template version 5: https://community.d2l.com/brightspace/kb/articles/26484-html-templates-version-5-0 So far, I have unzipped both the (1) template package and (2) course package, and have done so both (A) locally on my hard drive and (B) within a course shell via Manage Files (as per…
How Can I Add Reminders or Set Notifications for Calendar Events
Hello, I’m trying to figure out how to add reminders or set notifications for specific events that I’ve created in the calendar within D2L Brightspace. Could someone guide me on how to set up these reminders or notifications so that students receive alerts about upcoming deadlines or important dates? Thank you.
Help Copy Course Bulk
Hello can any one please explain more about how to use Course Copy Bulk. already read the document but have no clue what to do, already setup configuration but still dont know how to use, please help Thankyou
I set up attendance for my course sections. Is there a way to automate the attendance process?
I have about 50 students in each section and it would take an inordinate amount of time to manually take attendance each class session if there is no way to automate this process. I have used other applications that automate attendance, but they charge students an additional fee, which I am trying to avoid if at all…
September 2024/20.24.9 Release Notes published!
The September 2024/20.24.9 Release Notes are now live and ready for review in all languages! 🔍️
Instructor Permissions
I want my instructor role to be able to reset passwords manually and send password reset links. Where am I finding this in permissions???
Anonymous Marking
If students submit word documents in an assignment with anonymous marking turned on, is it possible for the instructor to download the word doc, and in the Word doc Properties menu see the student information? Or, does Brightspace anonymize the Word doc Properties details as well?
How do I set up attendance for daily classes.
Our classes run for 15 weeks and I don't see how I could cram 15 weeks into register. Is there a calendar version. Helpful to link students to missed lectures, handouts, assignments.
Have only 6 out of 11 grade items count towards a grade
We have 11 discussion topics for an Assessment. Students are only required to choose 6 out of the 11. The 6 items should be reflected in gradebook. How do we set the gradebook to reflect this as students may choose a random 6 topics. Some students will do 8, not 6 but only their best 6 will count. Others will only do 4. Is…
Outcomes Datasets
Hi, We are trying to build a dashboard in PowerBI, that shows which of our Learners have met or not met the outcomes on a course. However we are struggling to work out which datasets show which usersIDs have met each outcome. Does anyone know which dataset this is?
Where are student submissions after a course merge occurs stored?
I'm aware the data such as assignment submissions already submitted in a course does not reflect in the new merged course (once this happens). Is there any way for administrators or instructors to access this student data? Is it stored somewhere accessible? A use case for this would be papertrail or a backup of student…
How can I access my digital book
How can I access my digital book