gradebook set up
I can't seem to set up my grade book properly. I don't know how to change percentages in some categories as they are grayed out. Is there a basic video about the grade book? Something other than the setup wizard. Thanks
Rubrics for grading
How do I copy rubrics from Blackboard?
How to grade quiz questions one at a time in Brightspace
For a quiz in Brightspace, is it possible to view all student submissions for a single question on one page? This was something the Grade Centre in Blackboard Original could do and was very convenient for grading essay questions in a consistent and more efficient manner. I haven't found similar functionality in…
Insights Portal
How does one set up the Insights portal?
SCORM MC question grades not consistently being recorded in gradebook
I am using SCORM questions embedded in my lectures for the first time. Grades are being recorded inconsistently - some students have no problems with any of the lectures, whereas others are receiving grades for some but not all lectures. I imagine this has to mean that students are doing/not doing something that is causing…
Inserting a link into a module for virtual classroom session
I have created a Bongo session and want to link access to that session into an Announcement but the Virtual Classroom session does not show up as an option when I select the Link icon from the body of the Announcement. This has worked previously, but not now. My session is coming up soon, help please!
Hello, I have a professor who is having an issue in which a specific course's homepage somehow became his default homepage whenever he logs into Brightspace or clicks the My Home icon. Our administrator checked and ensured that the University course homepage is set as default. Can anyone tell me how to address this issue?…
How do I find my class textbook
How do I find my class textbook
NCE questions
Hello, I have some questions regarding the instructor experience in NCE. Is there a way to place created content within a unit directly at the top of the list of items? After an item is created in a unit containing multiple items, it appears at the bottom of that unit and needs to be dragged and dropped. Classic Content…
Christine Wiebe
I want to put in my student email address in instead of the one I put in.
Error Viewing Specific Class in D2L
When I login to D2L, I can view the landing page of classes perfect. However, when I click on a specific class then it's a messed up display and I cannot view any links. (Image Attached) This happens on multiple devices and browsers as well as different IP addresses and the university at this point has reached their limit…
How do I set up the BrightSpace App on my iPhone 8 Plus?
I have an iPhone 8 Plus and I can’t manage to get the BrightSpace app running. Every login attempt is a failure. If anyone had success with the App, please help!
How to grade a quiz
I made my first quiz. The students completed the quiz, and I expected to see it graded, but I don't think it is automatically graded. How do I fix this?
Are release conditions causing next button to not load the next page?
Hello there, hoping you can help us solve this mystery, We are experiencing issues when using the next button after a quiz attempts page. Issue 1. The quiz is set to multiple attempts and the learner must score 100% to trigger a release condition that would release the next content. We found that even after the user has…
How do I see submissions to students' self assessments?
I have link the self assessments to an assignment and I know that students have submitted the work but I am seeing no submissions.
Best way to integrate online in-class polls, attendance
This is our first semester using BrightSpace. We have Zoom available to us to use as a meeting application. I'd like to be able to have a report or keep track of who logged into the class (attendance) and, very importantly, periodically use polls for students to answer questions and keep track of who answers the…
Brightspace Parent/Guardian in Higher Ed?
Has anyone implemented the Parent and Guardian app in Brightspace? We are looking into it for student services staff to observe student athletes. Best, Amanda
Regarding Quizzes
I'm new to Brightspace and want to record the grades for a 10 point multiple choice quiz I gave in class (not on Brightspace). All I want to record on Brightspace is the number of correct answers each student got on the quiz e.g. 7, 8, etc. (no percentages, letter grades, distribution, etc.) How do I do this? Also, how do…
How to create and insert a video note in Brightspace Editor" by D2L Knowledge
How to create and insert a video note in Brightspace Editor
Previewing text files that do not have the ".txt" extension
Within our programme (and I suppose any computer science-related programme), students work with text files that do not have the ".txt" extension, but, for example, ".c", ".cpp", ".py", ".h" and ".md". For assignments, they also submit these files to Brightspace via the submit points. When reviewing these assignments, it is…