Hi I am trying to create an account with Brightspace for an online course

Hi I am trying to create an account with Brightspace for an online course I wish to do through Derby University, unfortunately after receiving a verification code, I received the following error message - Single Sign-On Error, are you able to help me to log on ?.

Many thanks for your help,

Kind regards Andy P



  • Owen.M.3197
    Owen.M.3197 Posts: 70 admin

    Hi @Andy.P.1754

    Thanks for reaching out to the Brightspace Community for help re: creating a Brightspace account and receiving a single sign-on error.

    Based on the information you've provided, we suggest you get in contact with your Brightspace Administrator through your organization's help desk, and they will be able to assist you further with account creation.

    If you have trouble contacting the help desk, please feel free to reach back out and we would be happy to assist you in getting connected.

