Due date for graded Discussion topic?

I have an instructor who has a series of graded discussion topics in his course. He wants to add a due date to each topic but neither of us can see this option anywhere. Is it possible to add a due date to a graded discussion or can we only set start date/end date followed by manually creating a calendar event for a "due date"?

Thank you for your time!



  • Hi @Alex.D.717 ,

    Thank you for reaching Brightspace community!

    Discussions Tool does not support due date, due dates is available in content objects( topics) that can be pointing to the discussion topics.

    Meanwhile there is a PIE from other clients requesting the same, I would recommend upvoting for .

    Hope this helps!



  • Alex.D.717
    Alex.D.717 Posts: 14 🌱

    Thank you, Heba!

    I suspected this wold be the subject of an already submitted feature enhancement.

    One of the workarounds I recommended to the Instructor was to apply a due date to the unit where the link to the graded discussion was placed. I think we can still work with this in its current form.

    Thank you for your time!