Broken pictures in Creator+ Download
I have an HTML built in Creator+, when I download the HTML the pictures are not visible Has anyone else had this issue?
how to handle late penalty
how to deduct a late penalty on a quiz
Tiered Grading Option in Grades?
Hi everyone, first time using Brightspace here! I am trying to understand how to make a kind of tiered grading option for course activity participation in the university course that I teach. I am envisioning a kind of system in which students have options to engage with a bunch of different activities (such as Discussions,…
I never receive the email to reset my password.
I thought I signed up but I cannot find a page to actually create an account.
How to manually complete a course offering for a learner
Is there a way that a Supper Admin can complete a course offering for a user? Currently, issuing an award is helpful, but the completion report looks like the user has not completed the course. Is there a way that I can complete the course manually for the user?
How can I set up a quiz that will give automatic points when it is re-taken?
Students will take the quiz individually, and then as a group. When the group takes the test, if they score a certain score (ex: 93 + = 2 extra points) they will have points added to the original test. Example: Student 1 takes the test and scores a 77%. Then is put into a group that takes the same test with 1 person…
Are there public Brightspace courses that don't require a log in?
Do participants within a course need to have university credentials to get into the course? Can a Brightspace course be made public to where participants don't need university credentials? I have an instructor who offers classes to the community, so the participants aren't technically university students as the classes…
Is anyone using Civitas with their Brightspace LMS? I am wondering what data sets you are using to provide data to Civitas for analysis
We are having connectivity issues with one student
Please see attached image error message for reference.
D2L Course Page freezing
Has anyone else had any trouble with the D2L course page freezing in Chrome browser? This has happened to me three times now, and each time it has been in a different page of my course. So far it has happened in Content, the course homepage, and in Assignments. The navbar and the scroll bar both disappear and I am unable…
about surveys
I’ve set up a survey in Brightspace, then copied it and adjusted it within the course. I can’t find it in the content at all, but its in the Manage Survey section. How do I get it into the content in the correct place?
Default discussion view at system level?
Is it possible to set the default discussion view to grid view at the whole university level?
error when uploading exported quiz questions
Hello My college switched to Brightspace and I'm trying to important quiz questions into my course. Several are giving me an error message, I've attached a screenshot. How can this be fixed so I can import my quiz questions? Thank you Wendy Rappazzo
Posting Announcements on the Homepage
Just wondering if there is a way to post an Announcement on the Homepage but can only be seen by role permission? Example, a Faculty Survey posted on the Announcements page but can only be read by Instructors and has a clickable url. Same with Students, Student Survey posted on the Announcements page but can only be read…
How to I transfer content from one class to another in Brightspace?
How to I transfer content from one class to another in Brightspace?
Release a bespoke Navbar to all courses in a department
I'm looking at building in better customisation and personalisation for our student body using the navbars. Is there a way to bulk release a new navbar to all courses within a specific department? I have made the navbar available to the departments I want—would these update as new courses are added? Is there a way to bulk…
possibility of linking pharmacy training
is it possible? to show me the steps of linking all competencies of my training program with competencies.
anyone else have weirdness with their CD deployment notifications?
Today at 9:52am US EDT, I received a notification that my latest CD deployment was "complete", but then at 10:08am US EDT, I received a notification that my latest CD demployment was "starting". Anyone else have a weird anomoly like this? Also, did the deployments timeframe change and I miss a notice? Ours normally happen…
D2L hours report
Hi..does anyone know how to run a report on the hours that an instructor has taught?
what are the names of past and current D2L user interfaces? Daylight is one of them
I'm not having much luck finding this information, thank you for your help!