Unable to create a Grade.GradeObject using OAuth 2.0 API
While trying to create a create a gradeObject (POST /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/) using the API vide OAuth 2.0, I receive the following error
"type": "http://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/apiprop.html#json-binding-error",
"title": "JSON Binding Error",
"status": 400,
"detail": "Provided JSON is invalid or does not match the expected format."
Input JSON
"MaxPoints": 2.0,
"CanExceedMaxPoints": false,
"CategoryId": null,
"Name": "SoomoChapter2",
"ShortName": "sgc2",
"GradeType": "Numeric",
"GradeSchemeId": null,
"IsBonus": false,
"ExcludeFromFinalGradeCalculation": false
However, I am able to use the API vide OAuth 2.0 (GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/(gradeObjectId)) to retrieve a gradeObject created using the UI
"MaxPoints": 10.000000000,
"CanExceedMaxPoints": false,
"IsBonus": false,
"ExcludeFromFinalGradeCalculation": false,
"GradeSchemeId": null,
"GradeSchemeUrl": "/d2l/api/le/1.26/6972/grades/schemes/3",
"Id": 445,
"Name": "Soomo Chapter 1",
"ShortName": "soomo_chapter_1",
"GradeType": "Numeric",
"CategoryId": 0,
"Description": {
"Text": "",
"Html": ""
"Weight": 10.000000000,
"AssociatedTool": null
Any inputs of what am I doing wrong here?
Hey @Tarun Malhotra !
Looking at the JSON you're passing through and the relevant documentation (http://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/grade.html#Grade.GradeObject), I can see that you're missing two JSON parameters:
- Description
- Associated Tool
Could you please try updating your JSON so that it looks like this:
Try it out and let us know if it works!
Hey @Tarun Malhotra,
I think your input JSON is just missing a comma after the GradeSchemeId. The following should work for you:
Hope that works for you,
Hey @Maja Kokotovic
I tried your suggestion as above, but am still getting the same error. Attached herewith is a screenshot illustrating the error!