When is support for LTI OIDC Login with LTI Client Side postMessages coming?



I've seen the new solution to get rid of the third-party cookies issues when using LTI 1.3 advantage in this blog:

and this spec:


The postmessage seem a nice solution for this problem and we would like to implement this.

Since D2L was part in writing this new spec. Is this already supported by Brightspace? And if not, when can we expect this?

Best regards,

Tom Doesburg

University of Groningen


Best Answer

  • Julie.L.787
    Julie.L.787 Posts: 291 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Tom.D9058 ,

    Thanks for reaching out to the Brightspace Community with your question.

    We have implemented this jointly-developed 1EdTech solution and it’s currently in production. Stay tuned!

    If you require more specific information, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.