Maximum category score

Aja.W.621 Posts: 5 🌱
I set up two categories, 50% each, and set each category to weight assignments evenly across the whole category. One is behaving how I expected, but the other has capped the maximum possible score at 29.5 / 50. How do I fix it? (Note: If you can see the screenshot, the category is titled "Attendance")


  • Jennifer.W.973
    Jennifer.W.973 Posts: 357 πŸŽ†

    @Aja.W.621 Can you post the screenshot again?

  • Aja.W.621
    Aja.W.621 Posts: 5 🌱
    edited October 1

    @Jennifer.W.973Β thank you, I'm very new (as you can probably see πŸ˜… )

  • Jennifer.W.973
    Jennifer.W.973 Posts: 357 πŸŽ†
    edited October 1

    @Aja.W.621 For the Week 2 and Week 3 grade items, are you using a selectbox item + scheme? Also, you can turn on the weighted grade in the grade book settings (blue gear icon in top right) so you can see how the points are adding up across the items.

  • Aja.W.621
    Aja.W.621 Posts: 5 🌱

    @Jennifer.W.973 Yes, selectbox! Does that mess up the point calculations?

    We were hoping that students wouldn't be able to see the subtotal score if we turned off "weighted grade," because we'd rather students only see pass/fail. The main issue is that our kids are getting stressed about the grade being "low" when they don't need to be worried.

    Here's a screenshot of the gradebook with weighting visible (it still maxes out at 29.75/50):

  • Jennifer.W.973
    Jennifer.W.973 Posts: 357 πŸŽ†
    edited October 1

    @Aja.W.621 It's most likely an issue with the percentages that are set in the scheme that the selectbox item is using. However, you can't update the scheme if the selectbox item is using it; and if you change the selectbox item to a different scheme, it will wipe out all the scores you've already entered in the grade book. So you will need to make sure you have a backup and re-enter the attendance if you want to change the percentages/scheme.

    You can turn off the weighted grade for students in the settings. It's on the second tab Org Unit Display Options under Student View Display Options. This way they will only see P or F.

  • Aja.W.621
    Aja.W.621 Posts: 5 🌱

    @Jennifer.W.973 Thank you so much for your patience and help!!