Quiz End Date vs feedback and and answer availability for students
Oct 16th - lets say i prep star a quiz for Oct 25th Star date Oct 25th 10am End date Oct 25th 2pm Due date Oct 25th 2pm Manually correct and Publish all answers/feedback on Oct 25th at 5pm - keep the toggle visible to students Q1 Are students seeing the quiz in Quizzes after the end date? I believe they see the quiz but…
how do I copy import my course from last semester into a new course?
how do I copy import my course from last semester into a new course?
Grade Sync Error - 409 Refusing score with an earlier timestamp
Hi D2L Team, Based on the few escalations reported by customers on the Pearson side, it appears that some users are encountering the following error during the grade sync process. LmsGradePushException: 409 Conflict: [Requested score timestamp is less than or equal to the timestamp of last score received]\\n\\tat The…
Setting a Navbar for All New Courses While Keeping the Current Navbar for Old Courses
We are currently looking to update our default navbar for the new courses are importing for the Spring. However, we would like to have the current 24/FA courses keep their current navbar, which means we can't change the Fall Navbar. How would we go about doing this? Some notes: 1. We import the courses through IPSIS using…
New learner experience and API
We would like to create a direct link from our website to a Lesson In D2L this link would be something like: https://XXX.brightspace.com/d2l/le/enhancedSequenceViewer/COURSEID?url=https%3A%2F%2FUNKNOWNID.sequences.api.brightspace.com%2FCOURSEID%2Factivity%2FMODULEID%3FfilterOnDatesAndDepth%3D1 We know the COURSEID and…
Analytics Builder
We are looking for more training in Data Analysis to use the tool more effectively. Any suggestions?
Quiz submission issue - correct answer scored incorrectly
Hi, I am new to the D2L Community, thank you in advance for any knowledge you may be able to share! I have recently noticed an issue with quizzes (created as 1 question per page) that occurs when the student's answer all questions, then use the question number selector on the left of the quiz to review previous questions.…
Uploading a question
How do I upload my homework to send my instructor?
Class Progress & Audio Recordings
I teach language courses online, and as part of students’ discussions, I have students use D2L's audio recorder to record their voices in the language they are learning. They typically complete 3-4 recordings before each checkpoint (deadline), and once the deadline passes, I review these recordings through "Class Progress"…
Use of role names in intelligent agent emails
Hi, we have a master module which is copied 14 times to form modules for specialist tutors. Intelligent agents (IA) are set to run in the master module before the copy process, so it would be useful for the email sent to CC in the role of tutor. This would reduce confusion because the tutor would be reminded of the…
Difficulty entering student assessment passwords via remote access to student PCs
Good morning, I was wondering if anyone else has had trouble entering student passwords for quizzes and tests through a remote access suite such as Net Support. My proctors are having to enter the test room with each student and input the passwords after launching lockdown browser. Does this reflect a change in the basic…
Login Activity
How can I review my login activity including location details as an instructor?
How can we access attachments on Survey responses?
An instructor created a survey with a written response question configured to allow students to upload a file. She wanted them to anonymously submit this file as peer reviews. But now that students have submitted, we can't find a way to see their uploaded/attached files as responses. They don't appear in Statistics or any…
Comments function not working in PIE
Just posted a comment to the PIE. Now, suddenly I can no longer comment and no comments are visible on any posts. Tag: Bug Report
Export All Students' Attempts for a Quiz's Selected Question
If we export a quiz' student attempts & grades into an Excel file, for a WR question, all the lines will be consolidated into one line, and it is difficult to read. Can D2L export all students' attempts for a specific quiz question into a Word or PDF file so that the formatting of the answers is preserved? If not directly,…
Replacement for Slim Announcements
Hello, Is there a replacement or something similar to the slim announcement widget? We are looking for an announcement widget that doesn't take up the whole course home page when an instructor posts a long announcement, but rather prompts the student to "read more" so the learner see the rest of the widget on the homepage…
Getting the error Keyset URL Cannot be reached
When trying to set the LTI 1.3 tool, I get the error "Keyset URL cannot be reached." However, when I open that Keyset URL in a new tab, it seems to work. What could be the issue?
Can you release only feedback on Specific questions in a quizz and leave the rest hidden
We don't want the students to see the questions and answers to most of the questions but we have a couple of short answer questions that we added feedback. We want the feedback to be seen for those 2 questions for all students is that possible?
Failed to fetch error
Hello, I used to be able to open and read d2L files as page format, then suddenly I can't read the file as page format and have to either view as text or download the file because it keeps telling me "PDF loading error: failed to fetch" even though I was trying to open PowerPoint slides or docx. files and also pdf. files.…
Assignments and grades services extension with LTI 1.3
Is there a way to get startDateTime and endDateTime when querying for a line item? We must be consistent with the dates between our tool and the platform hosting our deep link. During our query to the line item endpoint, we can get the line item but it is limited to ID, scoreMaximum, label, resourceId, and resourceLinkId.…