Hidden Grades
I am having trouble with viewing my grades for a class in bright space. At the start of the semester, it worked fine, now 4 weeks in, I can no longer view feedback or grades for one of my classes. Anyone has any idea how to correct this?
Respondus quiz with Excel attachments
I'm administering a quiz using Respondus, and I'd like to provide students an Excel attachment which they will then modify and upload back into their quiz. I believe I can do this by creating a Written Response question, but then (I believe) students will have a copy of the excel which they can share with other sections.…
Flip cards stopped flipping?
Has anybody else noticed that Creator+ flip cards have lost the spinning animation in certain browsers? Clicking the card still goes to the other side, but instantly without the animation. I haven't been able to narrow it down to being on specific browser versions (I have a slight unconfirmed suspicion that it could be a…
"View as Learner" option missing
May i ask how do i activate the "View as Learner" option when i click on my username. It is missing. Thank you.
Is the Bookmarks feature limited to the (classic) content experience?
I'm new to using Brightspace VLE. We are using the New Content Experience in Brightspace. I have seen documentation that refers to a bookmarking feature where students can bookmark content to return to. However, I cannot see this in the course Content. There is 'Bookmarks' option on the 'Content Browser' homepage widget,…
Can learners see instant messages on Pulse app?
Can learners see instant messages on the Pulse app? If so, were do they appear?
Creating branded default template
Hello, I'm testing BSpc for a clent who needs a custom template. I have requested and tried to locate it in the free trial environment, but it is either not possible or not available. I know I can approximate the template by uploading a page, replicating it and updating the content, but I want to create a more enjoyable…
Forced pauses
Hello, I am developing a course that involves a lot of self reflection. My development team would like the learner to have forced pauses in their learning where they take time to reflect and integrate their learning into practice between key learning points in the course. For example. Between Modules 1 and 2, and again…
Why is my banner darker than the original image?
Hi All, I created separate banners for each class but when I upload them they are considerably darker than the original image I created. It's almost as if there's a layer over them. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a way to clean it up? Thanks!
How to see quiz preview results
I want to take a quiz I wrote that requires a lockdown browser and then be able to see which questions I got wrong. If I preview the quiz, and select the box to allow the preview attempt on the grade quiz page, nothing shows up on the grade quiz page, i.e., if I select the quiz/grade/attempts it reports "there are no…
Quizzes - broken image while editing
In the Quizzes tool, if you add an inline image to a question with the editor, the image will appear as a broken image with only the alt text displayed if you preview the quiz, the image is displayed.
How to overwrite file when updating topic file
Our course team has a custom app that generates pages from template files and then creates corresponding modules and topics within a course in D2L. This is great for new courses we launch as course designers can play around with the structure of the course in the place we track video and other page information. A new…
Peer to Peer grading
Hello, We have a course that uses rubrics (in another system) for Peer to Peer grading. It is desired to move this exercise to Brightspace. Can we assign rubrics to users in the student role, giving them the ability to evaluate their peers?
Is there a way to attach release conditions to my embedded practice questions (using Creator +)?
We want to make sure that students try to engage with the practice questions in the lesson.
Unenrolling Users After Certificate Completion
Hello, Brightspace Community, I’m looking for a way to automatically unenroll a user from a course 30 days after they receive their certificate. I understand that there is an option to unenroll users based on course activity or login activity through an intelligent agent, but I haven’t found a way to trigger unenrollment…
Is there a dataset that shows which content objects are optional/required?
I'm trying to find a list of all pages that are marked as optional. I searched Content data sets - Brightspace and didn't see a column that provides this detail.
Updating a written response quiz question
I had to add a feedback box to WR question after the students had already submitted the quiz. Now Brightspace says that that question is not in the quiz anymore. If I update all attempts, will the submissions, feedback, scores be removed from the student's record?
CUNY College of Staten Island
I have a few classes on Brightspace, but only one is giving me an error message and asking me to contact my administrator. I emailed the professor of Math 34 (31558) College Alegbra, and Professor Mormin says it's working correctly on his end. However, I still have no access to all the class materials as I did before. This…
Quiz Statistics
Looking for information on how Brightspace Quizzes tool on how Brightspace is analyzing the statistics for quiz questions. My department is good with the statistics for multiple choice questions, but wanted to know about the analysis for the statistics for questions types such as Multi-Select, Matching, etc. Any help would…
Brand New to Brightspace
Can Brightspace D2L publish SCORM 1.2 packages/content for LMSs other than Moodle, Blackboard, etc.? I saw a list on one of the pages but can't find it again. The LMS we are wanting to put the content to is not listed so I am not sure what settings to select to publish to a different LMS. I saw that the imsmanifest…