How to access quiz answers "attempt details" from API?
I would like to see what users have answered to each question, so I can make a leaderboard. In one question they answer the name for the leaderboard. The page shows various ways of getting the number correct they have, but I can't see how to get the actual answers, or to see if which question a specific user got…
Outcome Naming Configuration
Hello! I am wondering if anyone has been successful in creating distinct student learning outcomes (SLO) in Brightspace by labeling them within each course. Presently, our system measures each SLO aligned to the parent code. Is there a way to write SLO 1 so it can be distinctly different in each course? New here and…
What drives the "No Response" stat in Quiz Statistics?
I have an exam that, when I look at the Quiz Statistics, it shows 4 No Responses. However, when I manually look at the attempts on this question, there are: 3 first attempts 2 learners selected true 1 learner left the question empty with "Not saved" So where are the other 3 "no response" attempts? We DO have some extra…
how to get access to broken link viewer
I have been dealing with broken link problems and I believe having access to this viewer would help
Announcements Data Set - IsPinned flag?
Are there plans to add a field to the Announcements Brightspace Data Set to indicate if it is a pinned announcement or not?
has anyone found a way to insert YouTube videos without the advertisements?
I used to use TedTalk videos, but the embed code no longer works in Brightspace, so I found the videos on YouTube. Unfortunately, I can't find a way to embed the videos without commercials. Does anyone have a solution?
Start date in module
I set start dates for each module. This week, though, I needed to delay the start of the module by one day, so I changed the start date over 12 hours before the original start time. However, the next day I got an email from a student who clearly could see the module even though the new start date is not here yet. I was…
Ability to pull User Progress via API
How can I pull user Progress via the API? When I try yo use GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/userprogress/, I get a 404 back. Regarding , 'Finally, note that the back-end service may not have all the Brightspace functionality enabled to provide access to all the APIs contained in this API reference…
Pulse opening in browser and not in app
Does anyone have any suggestions? I open pulse app and it launches a browser and doesn't go back to the app.
how to hide a document so it is accessible only for instructors.
where should I begin
Buenos dias comunidad, Alguien sabe como se puede ver quien desactiva un usuario
If i change the session limit from 0 to 1 will it break anything ?
I want to change the d2l.Auth.Sessions.UserSessionLimit (org) from 0 (infinate) to 1 so that learenrs cannot have a second session open when doing tests, there was some concern over cheating. If i set this to one will that do the trick or is this a system where behind the scenes it needs more than one session to function.
How do I add a question from library to an Assignment
Changing Course Offering Name
Hello, We often change the course offering name, but lately it has been reverting back to what is had been entered as in Banner (the grading database). Can someone please advise why this is happening?
Possibility of wordcount menu in Discussion Post Page
I am using D2L bright space at Conestoga college for my courses. One of my courses has many discussion posts and part of the grading metrics is checking minimum number of words. I am wondering if there can be word count provision on the grading page instead of copying to MS word all the time to check number of words. This…
When will the new Quiz Evaluation Experience apply to interface within the Question Tab?
Hi folks. The updated experience is visible only in the Users and Attempts Tab. Commonly recommended workflows at our institution refer to grading per Question. (Supports hiding user name and updating in one place - so its an easier teaching/training message) Our testing finds that users do not see the new experience…
Is it possible to set the active navbar through an API call?
We're moving towards a standard navbar for all courses after years of not enforcing one. We have maybe 40% of courses using a custom navbar and will be removing the permission to update navbars soon. I'd like to be able to make an API call to set the Active Navbar for all OUs this semester, but I haven't seen anything in…
Any way to stop the ?
Greetings Brightspace Community, I use Notepad and my Windows clipboard a lot when providing feedback to students. However, whenever I copy something I wrote in the D2L feedback section and paste it into Notepad (which is supposed to remove all formatting), it keeps pasting text I didn’t write, namely the 6 characters:…
Accessibility for visually impaired user
I just want to inquire in terms of the availability of functionalities and accommodations for a visually impaired student on arc Could you kindly provide some insight on accessibility features, if any, on Arc, for example, screen reader compatibility, keyboard navigation, text-to-speech options, or any other readily…