Typing in the 'Quick Eval' sticky notes glitching
Hello, Whenever I type in sticky notes while marking in 'Quick Eval', my keyboard goes wonky and starts adding text to the start of the sentence, like this: a sentence Monica is typing It only happens when I type in sticky notes — no other program or platform. Anyone else encounter this?
Examples of Well Designed University Spanish Courses
Hello, I'm an instructional designer from Villanova University in Pennsylvania, USA. We are in the early stages of implementing Brightspace for our higher education university campus. We're migrating from Blackboard (Original) Learn 9.1. I'm working with an early adopter instructor who teaches in our Spanish Department.…
Auto text on Brightspace?
Hello, I'm looking for ways in which the assessment process can be more efficient for faculty and I'm wondering if there's an auto text feature (like you find in Microsoft word) that allows you to save snippets of feedback that are commonly used and can easily be edited to personalize the feedback. Thanks, Yildiz
Full email in Brightspace
Does anyone use full email in Brightspace? We're a charity and work with young people in schools. We'd like to use full email in Brightspace to contact them as they have access to the platform, but we would prefer that they just use their school emails rather than have a Brightspace email as well. Can we use existing…
OK I'm clearly too old for this stuff. I can't see how to engage with any of this material.
I have lectures written - and exercises in mind....I can't see any clear A-Z guide as to how to turn my notes into Creator_+ content
Hello we would like to implement the surveys tools for course evaluation (feedback). I have created a survey which can be access via the icon in the navigation bar but the survey itself isn't accessible (clickable). I have made it visible to users under 'More actions' but not sure what else to do to make it visible/active?
Transferring text into an html page in one course from another html page in another course.
Hello, Within the confines of Brightspace, how can I transfer data such as text or images from one html page in one course to other html pages in other courses? I want to create an html page in NCE containing all the necessary components that faculty need to include in their syllabi. When faculty create their syllabi in…
Data Hub - classlist enrollment across multiple courses
Hello we're looking to generate a report through the Data Hub which provides us with the number of learners across multiple courses. ideally we need the course offering name included in this, not just the ID. Does such a report exist or do we have to run multiple reports to collate? thank you
ActivityId is null for Discussions and Assignments, but is populated for Quizzes
What is the process or configuration that results in an ActivityId being null? I manage a tool that allows an institution to design a course and export it to D2L Brightspace. In order to do this we rely on forming urls like this one:…
Brightspace activity evaluation pages not loading properly in new tabs
(I asked this question in a different forum/category, but wasn't able to get an answer.) For the sake of speed and efficiency while grading, I would like to be able to open multiple "Activity Evaluation" pages in separate tabs. When I try to do this, however, the pages do not load properly. Here is an example what an…
Brightspace activity evaluation pages not loading properly in new tabs
For the sake of speed and efficiency while grading, I would like to be able to open multiple "Activity Evaluation" pages in separate tabs. When I try to do this, however, the pages do not load properly. Here is an example what an improperly loaded page looks like: The problem seems to occur only when the page is not…
Improvement of Brightspace
Good morning. I am using BS as a faculty in Higher Education for the first time. Here are my suggestions for improvement: - Students should not be allowed to edit their posts on the discussion board. This makes grading and liability of students complicated. If they need to edit their posts, they should click on reply on…
how to use a form template
how do i use a form template?
Email to Instructor Widget
Hello, How do I make widget so students can directly email their Professors/instructors by clicking on it? I tried creating using the HTML but found no replacement strings for instructors' email addresses. Is there any other ways? Thank you
Quiz End Date vs feedback and and answer availability for students
Oct 16th - lets say i prep star a quiz for Oct 25th Star date Oct 25th 10am End date Oct 25th 2pm Due date Oct 25th 2pm Manually correct and Publish all answers/feedback on Oct 25th at 5pm - keep the toggle visible to students Q1 Are students seeing the quiz in Quizzes after the end date? I believe they see the quiz but…
Report for All Courses and Total Amount of Users
Hi, I am looking to print a report of all the course existing templates and all course offerings specifically to find the total number of users in each using the OrgUnitCode as the unique identifier.
how do I copy import my course from last semester into a new course?
how do I copy import my course from last semester into a new course?
Grade Sync Error - 409 Refusing score with an earlier timestamp
Hi D2L Team, Based on the few escalations reported by customers on the Pearson side, it appears that some users are encountering the following error during the grade sync process. LmsGradePushException: 409 Conflict: [Requested score timestamp is less than or equal to the timestamp of last score received]\\n\\tat The…
Setting a Navbar for All New Courses While Keeping the Current Navbar for Old Courses
We are currently looking to update our default navbar for the new courses are importing for the Spring. However, we would like to have the current 24/FA courses keep their current navbar, which means we can't change the Fall Navbar. How would we go about doing this? Some notes: 1. We import the courses through IPSIS using…
New learner experience and API
We would like to create a direct link from our website to a Lesson In D2L this link would be something like: https://XXX.brightspace.com/d2l/le/enhancedSequenceViewer/COURSEID?url=https%3A%2F%2FUNKNOWNID.sequences.api.brightspace.com%2FCOURSEID%2Factivity%2FMODULEID%3FfilterOnDatesAndDepth%3D1 We know the COURSEID and…