Is there a way to only release a quiz grade if an assignment submission is made?

Jess.S.782 Posts: 3 🔍


I currently have a course structure where students complete a .twb workbook and take an associated quiz. They can update their workbook throughout their 3 quiz attempts. However, it is a requirement that they actually upload the workbook to receive the grade on their quiz. So, the grade for the whole assignment is the highest quiz grade achieved, but I want to make sure they actually complete the assignment upload. These are ungraded workbooks, so not looking to go in manually and put in a grade- just ensure a .twb file was uploaded at some point.


Best Answer

  • Johnny.B.962
    Johnny.B.962 Posts: 107
    Answer ✓


    While this is not a recommended workflow, but as long as you know what you are doing, I think this will work for what you are trying to achieve.

    Within a Grade item, you can add Release Conditions on them (like many other tools within Brightspace). To add them for your case, edit the grade item connected to your quiz, and select the Restrictions tab.

    Then select the Create and Attach button to create a new release condition on the Grade item.

    For the Condition Type, select the Submission to folder option under the Assignments sub heading in the dropdown.

    Then for the Assignment Submission Folder select the Assignment you are having students upload their workbook to, select the Create button at the end of the dialog window, and Save the changes to the Grade item.

    Using this method, you don't have to have a Grade item attached to the Assignment to give evaluation there, and the Grade item for the quiz will be hidden from your students until they have submitted something to that Assignment. Technically they could submit something to the Assignment that isn't the workbook, the condition is just based on them something anything (there are some additional submission restrictions you can put on the Assignment directly if you want via the Allowable File Extensions: )

    Additionally, using Release Conditions on Grades does not prevent any scores within them from being tallied for the Final Calculated Grade or any other Calculated grade items. The item is merely not visible/accessible by the students who haven't met the attached condition. If you have the final or calculated items visible to students as well, those could be updated once the student would complete the quiz. If you normally have the Final Calculated Grade hidden/not released until the end of the course, then this shouldn't be an issue.

    Hope that helps, and let me know if you need some further clarification from my suggestion.

    D2L LAM


  • Jess.S.782
    Jess.S.782 Posts: 3 🔍

    Hi, Johnny

    I do currently have this exact method set up- however, as you mentioned, the grade still calculates into the final grade, forcing me to manually change this to a 0 if the assignment portion isn't completed. I prefer not to reduce grades so I decided to add a "Written Response" question to the end of the quiz for them to upload the workbook and made it worth 0.000001 points (so that it doesn't affect the quiz grade itself. This is the interim solution and I hope Brightspace explores other options! Even having a file submission option on quizzes (that allows for same restrictions as the assignment does - like setting file extension types, limiting to single files, etc) would be nice. It would also be nice to have bonus or 0 point items on quizzes. Thanks for your response!