Is there a way to turn off the automated Award Earned Notification?
In the Mail templates, there's one for Award Earned Notification. Is there a way to turn this off? We'd prefer to use an Intelligent Agent to notify users.
Can you define a temporary dataset and then connect to it in a second step of a process?
I am trying to connect Users to User Logins to Organizational Units so I can get faculty logins by college and department. Tried a few different ways but no luck.
Sub modules vs. Modules in Classic content?
What are the pros and cons of using modules vs. sub modules in Classic content? Can anyone share some examples of how you have effectively used sub modules? (I am looking at this from an instructional design standpoint how to best use them. We are converting from Blackboard from Brightspace so I am trying to get a handle…
PDF only shows page 1 on iphone
Hello! I’m hoping that someone can help. I am unable to fully view any pdfs in all modules. I can see the first page, but since it is usually a title page, it is not very useful. I’ve tried on chrome, Firefox, safari and our app. I’ve tried it incognito mode. I’ve deleted all cache and cookies and data. Deleted the apps…
ipad and document viewer
As a teacher I am using my ipad in conjunction with D2L. I am finding an issue with uploaded pdf documents that when I open the PDF only the first page of the document comes up. I am using safari or chrome. Is there a way to fix this issue.
How do I alter the automatic quiz question numbering?
I have an a quiz where each section is a core question, with the questions within the section being parts a,b, c etc. The D2L quiz question automatic numbering make the tables, diagrams and question sections very confusing. How do I hide them?
Randomized assignments
In our previous LMS, we were able to (1) randomly assigned students to reflect on 2/8 presentations on a specific date, and (2) randomly assign students to do peer-evaluation on submitted reflections a week later. Is there a way to do the same thing in Brightspace? I can't seem to find anything on it in Community. Any…
How do you set up turnitin.com and AI for quiz answers?
I have noticed that there is a lot of cheating, plagiarizing, and AI content being used for answers in the Quiz tool. I am trying to circumvent this by having turnitin.com and AI attached to long answers in the quiz tool.
How do I integrate Aztec software into my D2L courses?
I'm not able to integrate the tool using the instructions provided in the documentation, however, I haven't been able to access the courses. Thank you. Ginette
How to make a first post?
I have just joined and I am not sure how to make a first post.
Feedback on recent changes to the PIE
Hi folks, Just a comment that I'm not loving recent updates to the PIE. With this change, we are no longer able to: - "Like" posts (and all existing "Like" info for posts has disappeared). - add images in replies…in fact, all images I previously added are no longer visible. They have just become dead link text. - edit…
Where do i find my instructor
I need a registration key to be able to start my class so i need to contact my instructor which I don't know who it is . Please help !!!!
Brightspace Virtual Assistant
Hello there, we had an Instructor over the weekend who experinced problems with Brightspace Virtual Assistant, where the AI chat was constantly opening up and asking what it could help with. Even when they opened new tabs. They haven't gotten it again this week so far, only from this weekend. Is this a known issue? Was it…
Associating SCORM with a Grade Item
Is the only way to associate a SCORM file with a Grade Item is from the Add Course Package - SCORM/xAPI menu? Can you create a Grade Item in the Gradebook, and associate a SCORM file from there?
module error
while I was moving my modules around, I ended up placing one of my modules within another module- so now it's a sub module. How do I remove the sub module and make it a module?
How do I delete a quiz with a locked sign?
Hello I've imported quizzes from several courses and now I want to delete the ones that I'm not using in the course. However when I try in the quiz management area, the courses I tick are not deleted I think because they have a key (locked?) symbol by them. Why is this locked symbol there and can I remove it to delete the…
How to share SCORM files
Is the only way for Instructors to see SCORM files owned by someone else is to be enrolled at the Organization OrgUnit and have "Can manage all objects" set in the permissions? Two Instructors have access to the same Course Offering, but they can't see SCORM files uploaded to the Course Offering if they didn't upload the…
Is there a user guide for Portfolio?
Is there a user guide for Portfolio?
Is the accordion layout only available in Creator+ ?
Is there a way to change the default programming language for code samples?
Is there a way to change the default programming language for code samples on a course by course basis? Right now, the default is JavaScript. Every time I insert a code sample, I have to change this from JavaScript to the appropriate language for the course (e.g., some courses are taught with Python, some with Java, some…