Changing Brightspace Usernames?

Shawn.P.251 Posts: 17 🌱
edited September 12 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary

Is it possible to change a Username on Brightspace without any disruption? Meaning can this be done without creating issues or any complications for the user and their course enrollments, etc.?

Reasoning behind this, is that we have some username accounts that are not part of SSO O365 credentialing. Their accounts were created manually in the past. Now they are created via IPSIS using a different naming convention. Manually they were created using the default Brightspace Username ex. Joe.Doe. Now we want them to be jdoe, our new naming convention.

Thanks for comments, tips…



  • Janet.O.779
    Janet.O.779 Posts: 22 🧭

    Yes, I believe this is possible. I have notes that indicate I updated a bunch of usernames in 2021. I manually prepped a file for IPSIS, ensured IPSIS config was set to uniquely identify by ID #, and uploaded the zipped file (I believe it just had an UPDATE action in it for each account needing correction).
    I think there was probably another step before this, though… just to get the accounts in question into IPSIS in the first place, so they could be worked with. I had help from our D2L Implementation Consultant.
    If you want more details I can try to look up what else I may have written down… although I might not be able to get back to you super quickly (might be a few days or a week since I'm out of the office right now).
    Please note, though, that we only experimented with IPSIS at the beginning but didn't ever "hook it up" to our SIS or continue using it. We're using Bulk User Management now instead. So I'm definitely no expert on IPSIS or implications of anything related when using it in a serious ongoing way!