Feedback on short answer question

An instructor created the following short answer question. I believe the instructor used the following regular expression.
Why does the feedback to show forward slashes? I believe the student can either enter Root-cause or root-cause.
Best Answer
@Kay.H.645 The forward slashes indicate that the question was set to use a regular expression. However, there is only one acceptable answer (lowercase root-cause) since there is no actual regular expression entered. The instructor should have just left it on the default setting, which is case-insensitive, and this would also allow for all capital letters in addition to just the first letter.
The actual regular expression to allow for both capital and lowercase r would be entered as [Rr]oot-cause in the quiz and then show up as (/[Rr]oot-cause/) on the feedback screen. Especially in this case, it's better to just use the case-insensitive option since interpreting regexes can be confusing for students.
Jennifer…Thank you so much for the explanation. I'm going to check the instructor's test bank to make sure the correct setting is used. Thanks once again!!!