Unable to use feature Crosslisting of course offerings
Hi Community, I wanted to use the crosslisting feature , I have given all possible or required permissions to my admin user role. 1. Permisson related to crossliting 2. Also tried giving permission for SIS course merge In settings, whenever i click on crosslisting management. It says :- "Your Crosslisting mode has not been…
Maximum size of a course shell and a file in Corporate Learning Management System
Hello! I have a question regarding to the Corporate Learning Management System. May I know the maximum file size of i) a course shell and ii) a file inside the course shell? Thank you very much!
SCORM suspend_data
I have tried everything I could think of, but every time I start a SCORM package while impersonating a learner, the package`s suspend_data is reset and the learner is brought back at the beginning of the activity. I use SCORM specifically so the progress is saved and the learner cannot reset its progress. Even when I…
IOS ipad & Apple Pencil Grading Capabilities?
Hello, Is there any chance Brightspace is developing (or has already developed) grading capabilities with an instructor app and ipad + pencil -- so that I can actually handwrite comments on submitted papers, mimicking the process of pen and paper? I taught at a school that used Canvas in 2022/23 and that is the 1…
API account creation, lookup returns 403 Forbidden
I've been experimenting with the retrieval of BDS data sets via Postman using some of the Brightspace collections and have been successful at that. However, I've now started trying to provision users via API calls, and my calls always return a 403 Forbidden, even when trying to look up a user. My auth and refresh tokens,…
Updating grades with Postman
Hello team! Actually Im trying to update some grades using APIs in this endpoint: https://udlatest.brightspace.com/d2l/api/le/1.25/{my_orgUnitID}/grades/{grade_item_id}/values/{student/user_id} When I make a Get request, i have this output: { "PointsNumerator": 9.000000000, "PointsDenominator": 10.000000000,…
Dynamic registration does not create a deployment
I am implementing dynamic registration for our tool that creates a deployment for LtiDeepLinkingRequest, however it is not creating the deployment, there is an error in the logs but no details on why its failing. Here is a snippet from the JSON being sent ` "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-tool-configuration": {…
scope error
when updating user via rest api PUT /d2l/api/lp/(version)/users/(userId) my app registration has the following scops: core:*:* enrollment:*:* groups:*:* organizations:*:* orgunits:*:* role:detail:* users:userdata:* still get the error : "No scopes defined for specified requests."
Grading Forum Discussions with Associated Rubrics via API for a POC in Brightspace
Hello Developer Community, I’m currently working on a proof of concept (POC) where I need to evaluate forum discussions using the Desire2Learn (D2L) API in Brightspace. Specifically, I want to ensure that the associated rubric criteria are applied when grading discussions. What I’ve done so far: I’m retrieving discussion…
ActivityId is null for Discussions and Assignments, but is populated for Quizzes
What is the process or configuration that results in an ActivityId being null? I manage a tool that allows an institution to design a course and export it to D2L Brightspace. In order to do this we rely on forming urls like this one:…
Why are announcements showing to learners when the release conditions are NOT met?
For some reason this one course we have had issues with announcements showing in error. We have 2 conditions that should BOTH be met before this announcement shows however it's showing to students who have passed. Is there something we are missing? Several of us have looked it over and checked the quiz also and found…
Please assist me add an image on the homepage tile without it appearing in the content container.
Please assist me add an image on the homepage tile without it appearing in the content container. Can we add image on the tiles the same way its added on the home page banner?
How do I submit an idea / feature request when Product Idea Exchange is blocked for me?
I used to be able to suggest ideas/changes on the Brightspace Community page, but now when I try to go to Product Idea Exchange, it just gives me an "Unavailable Quicklink" error page even though other people on my campus can access it just fine. Why does my account not allow me to access the Idea Exchange page?
Bulk Enrollment issue
I'm Facing an issue in bulk enrolling while using API, Enrolling one by one is working but enrolling in bulk throw's a 404 (not found) status.
API Resumable uploads saving step returns HTTP:500
Hi, I've gone through the documentation and a couple discussion here, but I have not been able to complete the final file saving step. Acquiring the upload key: Gives me a location - which contains the key then using that we post the file: And finally we save it to the folder - this breaks :( Thank you, Corné
Ability to pull User Progress via API
How can I pull user Progress via the API? When I try yo use GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/userprogress/, I get a 404 back. Regarding , 'Finally, note that the back-end service may not have all the Brightspace functionality enabled to provide access to all the APIs contained in this API reference…
Autenticação Oauth2
Boa tarde, prezados. Precisei excluir os dados da Api que estou criando no "gerenciamento de extensibilidade" e agora , ao criar um novo, não estou conseguindo gerar um access token e nem refresh token para seguir com a elaboração de uma api para comunicar com PowerBi. Sabem como consigo excluir o access token antigo, para…
403 when attempting to access le API endpoints
I'm working on an integration with Brightspace to sync course data and eventually completions / grades out to a third party system. Anything I query on the lp api such as roles or course offerings works fine (version 1.43) However I consistently get 403 Forbidden errors when trying to access data on the le api I've ruled…
Is it possible to make multi-part arithmetic quiz questions?
This is a huge need - it creates a great deal of frustration in my class when students have to re-calculate something they have already done with new numbers to answer the next part of a multi-part question. Also it would be great if arithmetic question set up included a math editor! Thank you!
API Authentication in postman
Greetings. Trying to run through the documentation about authenticating into the API and getting my access token. After setting up everything as documentation (and the training provided by "learn postman with Paul".... when I click get access token a browser window pops up with an error that "Sorry, but Apple Safari…