Accessing Group Data
I teach a large class (over 300) wherein I give group assignments (4-5 students/group). Thus there are 60+ groups.
I need to access the files in group lockers frequently to monitor progress of each group. Opening each group locker, and downloading the files manually is painfully time consuming. More importantly, it is avoidable. I would like a functionality that allows me to download group data from all groups in a single zip folder that I can download and process.
Alternatively (or better still in addition to above), instructors should be provided an API to access such data programmatically. I use python and R and would like to create a custom script for analysis that will avoid repetitive work and save me much time.
Thanks in advance
Hi Harry,
I'd recommend you check the Product Idea Exchange (3rd Party Tool) to see if either of these ideas has been suggested yet. If not, you can add them for consideration/voting from your peers. Hope that helps.
The link takes to a page that says
" Unavailable Quicklink
The External Learning Tool is not available"