Exporting Course information using API
I have had success exporting "grades" information using the API but so far have not been able to export course information.
I have looked through the API documentation I can find and put together a GET string similar to what I use for grades that I thought should pull course information for a single course but it returns a 404 error.
Ideally I would like to export information for all courses rather than one course at a time.
Is this possible and would someone be able to point me in the right direction to achieve this ?
My current attempt is in this format with the portion for the district abbreviation replaced with x's.
GET https://xxxxxtest.brightspace.om/d2l/api/lp/1.67/courses/31714
Thank you.
Hi @Dale.G.287,
Thank you for the question. It looks like you are using this API endpoint.
Please note that API Version 1.67 is not available for this endpoint. Could you please try with 1.43?
GET https://xxxxxtest.brightspace.om/d2l/api/lp/1.43/courses/31714You can get a list of child units for a provided org unit with this endpoint-
GET /d2l/api/lp/1.43/orgstructure/(orgUnitId)/children/To get a list of Course Offerings only, you can set a filter with Query Parameter - ouTypeId. Here's an example-
GET /d2l/api/lp/1.43/orgstructure/(orgUnitId)/children/?ouTypeId=3
I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions. -
Using the 1.43 endpoint changed the error from 404 to 403 Forbidden, so some progress.