Error Getting API OAuth2 Token
Hello, I am suddenly not able to generate an OAuth2 Token using Postman for the D2L Brightspace Datahub API. The login popup is constantly redirecting to an Unsupported Browser page with the message: "Sorry, but Apple Safari version 0 is no longer supported. Older browsers are slower, less secure, and don't support our…
Acknowledgement Quizzes
Hello Community! Our Learning & Development Specialists would like to add an acknowledgement question to each unit in a newly developed course, something along the lines of "I acknowledge I have completed the content in this unit and understand how it applies to my role as a team member". I have created a quiz for this…
Course Progress Tool
Hello Wonderful Community! Does anyone know if there is a way to add Course Progress for participants to view as they progress through a course? I know that us as administrators can view Course Progress for the Classlist, but wondering if there is a homepage widget or anything that can be added for participants to view…
How to download or have the path of the files uploaded in an task?
Hello team! I hope you're having a good day. Do you know if its posible to have de path of the files that were uploaded in a task using APIs? I want to visualize the documents that the students enrolled in a course uploaded in an specific task/questionnaire. which endpoint do I have to use with GET to have the path? Thank…
I would like the ability to move items from one checklist to another. I frequently make weekly checklists for my students and sometimes we get behind and it would be easier to move items around rather than delete and recreate.
Can I have API account working on devcop.brightspace.com?
Hi D2L Community! I do not have access to any D2L instance to develop applications with D2L API. So, I was wondering if it is possible to get API account for devcop.brightspace.com to test my application, I used "DevCoPStudent" account. However, it does not work as expected. Please let me know if there are any accounts…
How to create a file topic using the API
Because we want to create part of our course content using information from the application where we develop our modules I am trying to figure out how to create a file topic. I do this using Postman but sofar all I get is a 400 error (bad request). Updating an existing file topic by uploading a new file (PUT) works fine…
API Token
Hii everyone, I need information regarding API refresh tokens. Is there any way I can generate a permanent token that does not have an expiration?
Hi. I'm quickly testing something out and need help accessing the devcop.brightspace.com page as an admin. Can someone please message me back with the password for the user DevCoPAdmin? I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!
Resetting SCORM progress
I'm curious if anyone has found a solution to maintain SCORM progress. Currently, when a learner completes a SCORM package and sees 100% progress on their dashboard, if they later revisit the topic, the system resets their progress to 0%. This situation is incredibly frustrating and confusing for learners, as they believe…
¿Necesito poder obtener el Id (Identificador)?
Es necesario poder obtener el Id (Identificador) suministrando el código y/o el nombre del curso. ¿Cuáles son los puntos finales que debemos utilizar y cómo lograrlo?
Text color not saving/defaulting to another color
Hello wonderful community! I'm experiencing a weird issue where I can't save my font color in black and it defaults to a slightly lighter color. I tried changing it to a completely different color, red, and it saved. When I select "Black #000000 - 0%" and save, it defaults to "Dark Gray 4 #202122 - 12%" and I can't figure…
Help Needed: LTI 1.3 Deep Linking Response
I'm integrating an LTI 1.3 tool with Brightspace and need help with the deep linking response. The authentication works for both basic launch and deep link request, but the deep link response fails when adding content. Issue After the deep link form submis, I see the following error in the LMS: "An error occurred. Please…
Has anyone else experienced issues with uploading SCORM/xAPI?
Hello wonderful D2L community! My colleague is experiencing issues when trying to upload an xAPI zip file to a course through Content → Add existing → SCORM/xAPI object → upload a new version. I have no issues completing it but when she tries to the progress is stuck at 0%. Has anyone experienced this? I've checked her…
Bulk Edit Org Units?
Is there a way to modify existing Org Units in bulk comparable to Bulk User Management or Bulk Course Copy/Create? Currently I need to change the Codes on a bunch of Templates (with OrgUnitID as key), but bulk changes to Course or Section names would also be useful.
API Refresh token URL
Hii… Everyone is there any API refresh Token URL Available?
Could brightspace platform run an interactive app like a video game?
Hello Community! I'm trying to build an interactive application like a video game for my University becacuse they build a course in a static and rigid way, so I'm trying to make the course more interactive and dinamic, so I'd like to know if I build a video game in Unity or another game engine, could I run this in the…
Trying to use LTI 1.3 but having trouble with authentication. Keep getting 404s.
Hello, I'm trying to get our tool to work with 1.3 and brightspace. I'm currently trying to implement openid to autheticate with. Brightspace gets to my auth method fine but when I try to redirect the user to the openid auth endpoint I keep gettings 404. Checking your help it says to check I have all parameters correct…
Help with Postman and API connection
I'm new to working with APIs and have a project here at the college that I need to access the Datasets available in the Brightspace API. I'm trying to follow the "Learn Postman with Paul" course found here. And I'm stuck. My goal is to access the Datasets for All Grades, Final Grades, Content Progress and Learner Usage. To…
Getting the content of the html using Brightspace API
Dear Community, I am working with the Brightspace API and using the following call to get the structure of the course content: {{BrightspaceDomain}}/d2l/api/le/{{leversion}}/{{OrgUnitId}}/content/root/ In the description of the modules, from the HTML, I can extract information about whether the module contains an image,…