In Mastery View, why do my assessments say they're not assessed?
I'm testing learning outcomes in a course. I have a course that has two quizzes. Both quizzes auto publish their results and grades. The Mastery View settings use the "Highest" calculation method. The learning outcomes are aligned with a 0/50/75 scale. I logged in as a test user, and ensured they passed at least one exam.…
Data Hub - classlist enrollment across multiple courses
Hello we're looking to generate a report through the Data Hub which provides us with the number of learners across multiple courses. ideally we need the course offering name included in this, not just the ID. Does such a report exist or do we have to run multiple reports to collate? thank you
How to disable instant messages?
How to permanently (not in a particular quiz, just for the whole duration of the course) disable instant messages?
Hide part of module description in visual table of contents
Hello, I have images with image credits on my module description pages, but I do not want the image credit to appear on the back of the module tile when the info button is clicked. Is there a way to achieve this? Please see the composite image attached - home page tile from and back are to the right. Thanks, Courtney
"Start Quiz" Not Showing for Learners
For some reason learners are not able to view the "start" quiz button: - start date was set to earlier today and due date and end date are set as the same - Timer setting is set as "Asynchronous: Timer" - quiz is connected to the grade book Not sure what I might be doing wrong here, any advice. Best, Maria
Maximum category score
I set up two categories, 50% each, and set each category to weight assignments evenly across the whole category. One is behaving how I expected, but the other has capped the maximum possible score at 29.5 / 50. How do I fix it? (Note: If you can see the screenshot, the category is titled "Attendance")
Settings for Gradebook?
Students are reporting that they have already been notified of zero marks but the first assignment due date is not until next week. What settings do I need to change so that this doesn't happen. Is it Gradebook settings or Dropbox? Thank you Valerie
In the Question Library, how's the "Difficulty" value used?
We see the Difficulty value in the Question Library, and when you look at the Question Statistics tool. But if you create a question directly in the exam, there's no Difficulty field. Does Difficulty impact anything in an exam/reporting? Is it mostly there just for an instructor's reference?
Imported Quiz Library missing images
Hello, I have copied my quiz question library from my Fall 2023 course to my current summer 2024 course. Pools and questions have copied fine; however, none of my images have copied over. The alt text is showing in the place of the images. Is there a way to get the images to transfer between courses? This will add many…
como personalisar a barra de ferramenta por imagem personalisadas
qual tamanho da imagem e qualidade para que fique personlisado
Are there ways to change the icon for the "Callout" element in Creator +?
I understand that there are 4 "icons" we can use in the callout element: no icon, question, attention, and jumbo. I have received feedback that the attention icon looks like an image failed to load and is not aesthetically pleasing. Is there a way where we can have more icon options or at least a variation of what came…
Release conditions/availability based on classlist group
Hello, We have two classlist groups. We want to release a lesson to the first group a week before it is released to the second group, so it is sort of a combination of start date and release conditions. The only way I know how to achieve this is to set a release condition for group 1, and a week later go back to the same…
Link pearson my lab mastering to Bright space D2L
Can you help me with it?
How do I post my syllabus?
I do not know where to start. How do I post my syllabus?
What permissions determine which items show up in the menus?
I've been updating role permissions and noticed some odd behavior. See Groups and See Sections permissions cause the Groups and Sections links to appear in the Course Admin page, but not in the Course Admin dropdown menu. What controls them in the menu? Similarly, See Organization Files does not cause Organization Files to…
Assignment shows [Broken Topic]
I created an assignment for my first class and received about 3 dozen submissions from students. I look at it in my course module and now I'm seeing the subject as: [Broken Topic] Clicking the subject line I get a pop-up to add an assignment. In the list I see my assignment which is "Class 1 Assignment" but I'm hesitant to…
LaTeX equation editor
I am involved in building a Math site and the academic is using the LaTeX equation editor in Word. We can copy these equations over okay to Brightspace using the inbuilt LaTeX equation editor, but there are issues with how it presents both in edit view and student view. The key issues are: The equations are all different…
Christine Wiebe
I want to put in my student email address in instead of the one I put in.
How do I set up the BrightSpace App on my iPhone 8 Plus?
I have an iPhone 8 Plus and I can’t manage to get the BrightSpace app running. Every login attempt is a failure. If anyone had success with the App, please help!
How to create and insert a video note in Brightspace Editor" by D2L Knowledge
How to create and insert a video note in Brightspace Editor