Changing Course Offering Name


We often change the course offering name, but lately it has been reverting back to what is had been entered as in Banner (the grading database). Can someone please advise why this is happening?


  • Krizzy.S.9720
    Krizzy.S.9720 Posts: 99 admin

    Hello Michelle,

    There are various possible reasons but one thing that comes to mind is that when systems sync, updates from the SIS can probably override manual changes made in Brightspace. To prevent this, you may need to adjust the integration settings to stop the SIS from automatically updating the course name in Brightspace.

    I found a discussion thread where community users have shared insights on this issue, you might find a useful solution there:

    Hope this helps! 😊 Let me know if you need further clarification.

  • Hi Krizzy,

    Thank you for your response :-). I’ve reviewed the thread as advised and unfortunately it seems their issues are not the same. I’m looking at it from an instructor point of view so your suggestion to adjust the integration settings may help - how do I do this?

  • Krizzy.S.9720
    Krizzy.S.9720 Posts: 99 admin

    Hello Michelle!

    The way around this is via the "Allow the SIS to overwrite changes made in Brightspace" question in the UI. If you select "Sometimes" and then uncheck "Course code" and "Course name". Typically, this requires administrative access. it's advisable to contact your institution's IT department or Brightspace administrator to request the change.

    Hope this helps!