Update a file
Hi, I updated a file in the course template, I renamed the new file with the same name as the old version in the Brightspace. The problem is it did not cascade to the course offerings. How can the file cascade to the course offerings? Thank you, Mariana
Using "not" operator in Release Conditions
Our team is using Intelligent Agents to control enrollment in specific org units. So far, we've been doing this based on date (e.g. Classlist > Date of enrollment in current org unit), and this has worked extremely well for us. The primary use case we have for this is to unenroll participants after 90 days. We are hoping…
Replace strings - use in Lessons?
Is there a method for using Replace strings inside Lesson content? We are looking to add a copyright notice with a date that updates to the current year in our Brightspace courses.
Is there a way to copy a module within a course?
I understand I can copy from another course. My institution has a format for modules they would like us to utilize. I want to copy this format several times within my course and use it as an outline for each module.
Changing Course Offering Name
Hello, We often change the course offering name, but lately it has been reverting back to what is had been entered as in Banner (the grading database). Can someone please advise why this is happening?
Equation editor - default size and does the Scale all Math setting cover an subject, unit or
I am working on a Math subject and we are finding different font sizes for the equation editor. I have a few questions: What is the default font size in the equation editor (and what is the default font?) See attached image - When you scale all Math, does that cover the subject (eg Math 101), a unit (eg Module 1), or a…
Set a release condition without completely hiding the assignment?
I keep having an issue where students don't realize they have an assignment to do because they haven't met the release condition and D2L has it completely hidden until the condition is met. I've tried making clear lists and calendars and sent notes that the assignments exist, but some students always miss the…
Can you configure how many tiles appear in the visual table of contents?
The January 2025/20.25.1 - Brightspace visual table of contents update just rolled out. Is there a way to configure how many tiles appear in a row in the Visual Table of Contents? Previously, our table of contents were two tiles across. Now that they're 3, some of our courses' unit images are cut off. How does the Visual…
How to have a weblink in one module and reference it from other modules?
Hello! I am a new Brightspace user. In my previous LMS, I had a resources folder with many links to various youtube videos, websites, and other 3rd party resources. Then, under the module for a given Week, I would add a Course Link to the items in the Resources folder that were relevant to that week. This worked awesome -…
Manager Dashboard - Different Roles
Hello Brightspace Community, Hope you are doing well. I want to set up the Manager Dashboard tool in my course. It works very well with the Learner role, but it doesn't seem to work with a custom role. Specifically, I have learners that speak French, so I did create a specific "Apprenant.e" role for them, for them to see…
Why did the descriptions of my Blackboard web links disappear during export/import to Brightspace?
In my Blackboard course, I have a number of "Web Link" content items, like this one, which contain an underlined link to a website, and a description/instructions about what to do with the link typed underneath: But after import into Brightspace, the description/instructions are missing, as seen here: Why did that happen,…
Time sensitive!! Hello, We want to set up an office hours scheduler for three instructors. I do not see Scheduler in the Tools. How do I enable this? Is it through config variable browser? Thanks, Courtney MacMullin
Are Welcome Windows recurring or do they only appear when a student visits the course initially?
Do welcome widgets pop up every time a student enters the course or does it only pop up when the stduent opens the course for the first time? If it only pops up the first time, is it possible to configure it to pop up every time a student enters the course?
Is it possible to set up one navbar at a brand level and have it automatically push to all org units
I would like to create a standard navbar (a standard but customised navbar for each brand) for multiple different brands under my institution (one institution basically owns multiple college brands and all their various campuses) and have the same navbar applied to all the courses under the specific brand. Unfortunately…
I need to add widgets on the right side of my homepage of the brightspace above "what to do" widge.
how do I edit a document (syllabus) within a module in Lamaku
I create a module and place an old syllabus in it. Can I edit the syllabus in the module or do I need to edit on my computer before uploading. Question how do I edit a document within a module Lamaku
Can a super admin disable the "Import from file" option for creating in-course Learning Outcomes?
Is it possible for an administrator to remove the "Import a file" option for instructors who want to run files to create new Learning Outcomes in their course? I have looked at the instructor role permissions for Learning outcomes and I was unable to locate a setting to disable that specific feature.
Bug Report: FIB Type (offset)
Sorry, not sure where bug reports go. Might already be posted, but could not find info on. In the FIB Type, if you had a second line of text the cloze space jumps a line, and appears off set (starts a new <P>) below the text. results in I'm trying to convert a Moodle site to D2L and since D2L does not yet have a Pull Down…
Intelligent agent for students who have not submitted work
I am trying to set up an IA for students who have not submitted any work to a course in the past two weeks. I already have an IA running for students who have not logged in to Brightspace at all. I can see that I can set one up for students who have not accessed a particular course. Here is my issue. I want the IA to…
Enrollment Notifications using Intelligent Agents
Hello, I am looking for advice on how I can setup and intelligent agent to notify me when a user is enrolled and/or dropped from my Brightspace course. I have been playing with some features but it is difficult to test and I am not authorized to add learners at my organization. Looing to see if anyone has had success using…