The content selection window opens as a modal?
the content selection window opens as a modal only? Can I change it configurations? can I open the content selection view in a new window?
How do I copy and export a grade scheme from a course and then paste or import it
"I have taught a course utilizing a specific grading scheme, and I am interested in applying the same scheme to a new course. Could you please provide me with the steps required to achieve this?"
How do I use Brightspace community to interface with AIMS?
As above.
Can the learning standards / outcomes tool be used for curriculum mapping?
Our institution currently doesn't have the learning outcomes/standards option enabled for us but I was wondering, if we do get it enabled, could we map learning outcomes across different courses within a program and look at them together? Or is the scope of this feature only within a single course? Sorry if the tags seem…
Activity Feed
This might be a silly question. I am going through the training course, and I cannot figure out how to get to the Acitvity Feed. Everything else seems to be in the Admin. page, but I do not see it in there.
How to search discussions
If I'm on the Discussions tab, how can I search for a particular topic? I don't see a search box. Can someone tell me where to find instructions for how to post questions? I can never seem to figure out what to choose for "Select a category" or figure out what is the appropriate tag to use. I hope I chose the right ones…
Class Withdrawal Question
Would someone please be able to inform as as to what happens to a students Assignment and Test submissions after they withdraw from the course? Thank you
What suggestions do you have for a Brightspace Kickoff event?
Our College recently signed a contract to make Brightspace our new LMS. I'm looking for ideas for what to do at a kickoff event to help get our faculty excited about the transition to Brightspace as we embark on this new adventure Did you have a similar event at your institution?
Importing multi-answer questions from Moodle properly
Hi, I quite new to the Brightspace platform. I am importing questions from Moodle, some of which are what Brightspace calls Multi-Select. However, Brightspace does not recognize this and designates them as Multiple Choice. Is there a way to import these types of questions properly? If not, is there an easy way to change an…
Sending an Email to Instructor Only Using Intelligent Agents
Hello, I have an instructor that would like a list of student names to be sent to her when a quiz is due if they scored 73% or less. Can this be done through intelligent agents? I just would like to be sure that the students who scored 73% or less would not receive an email. Thank you so much! Best, Kayleigh Nelson
Are there administrative data features where I can pull course stats?
I am wanting to gather data on the use of Brightspace at my university—we have online and in-person programs, so some instructors are hardly using Brightspace. I want to change that!! I am hoping to be able to view course data that could tell me which current semester courses have content in them and which course shells…
Hello, my name is Marlene Wissar I am having a hard time completing my discussions on time.
Widget banners
I am wondering how to sync the visual TOC widgets in my course with the course name widget at the top of the course. I'd like them to all be the same photo. I remember being able to do this in the past, but now it's a mess and everything looks different. Thoughts?
How do I find my class textbook
How do I find my class textbook
How to grade a quiz
I made my first quiz. The students completed the quiz, and I expected to see it graded, but I don't think it is automatically graded. How do I fix this?
Regarding Quizzes
I'm new to Brightspace and want to record the grades for a 10 point multiple choice quiz I gave in class (not on Brightspace). All I want to record on Brightspace is the number of correct answers each student got on the quiz e.g. 7, 8, etc. (no percentages, letter grades, distribution, etc.) How do I do this? Also, how do…
How do I find my course on Brightspace
How to find purchase course
Publishing Quiz Results
In one quiz, "Auto-publish attempt results immediately upon completion" was unchecked. Students who took the quiz cannot see their results, nor can I as instructor. How do I view and publish their scores?
Group auto-enrollment not working
I am having trouble creating groups in which students are randomly auto-enrolled. D2L moves from "Group creation in process..." to an empty Group Set with 0 groups in it. I have tried this over a period of days in different test courses and am not sure what I am doing wrong. I have attached two screenshots.
Is there a way to change the displayed course name as a student enrolled in the class?
I have multiple courses that have the same exact name (like both are called HBIO 302 but one is the lab section and one is the lecture section) and I would like to be able to change their names so that I can differentiate them easier (In that example, changing one to HBIO 302 Lab). Is this possible? How do I do it? Thanks!!